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Everything posted by motzartmerv

  1. Did anyone catch the 60 minutes ep last night re the malaysian airliner? I must say, 60 minutes years ago used to be one of the more, umm, trustworthy current affairs shows. But last night I was horrified as I watched them milk the current Drama for every drop of beat up, forced emotion from those poor people. It was shocking to see the poor widow going through her torment, on the show with an apparently 'caring' reporter there to comfort her in her grief, as long as the cameras kept rolling. Further, they interview an 'aviation expert' who makes the claim: " There is no evidence of any fire, system failure or anything else. There is however evidence that it was a deliberate act!!!... Seriously?? WTF!!Does this expert have acces to info that the rest of the world havnt seen? What a complete beat up. It was like reading a forum thread where everyone had an opinion. And then, to top it off, they chuck the reporter in the simulator and recreate the last seconds of the flight, as the jet stalls and plumets to the water. What, in the world, was this meant to prove? Why, would anybody think that should be included in any serious report on the accident. The My god 60 minutes.. You have taken the cake for oversensationalising, cheap, inaccurate and irresponsible reporting.. Disgusted!!!!! Rant over
  2. Sounds like your scared of the stall. When you say revisited stall-spin. What does that mean? Revisited in your head, theory books?
  3. True Tubz. Mostly. This incident was no where near the escarpment, the entire flight took 10 minutes (as seen on the go pro video) The crash site would be twice that distance from the escarpment. One thing that seems to be lacking in most text ive seen on leeside rotor and mountain wave turbulence, is the key fact that the effects can be seen at many mutiples of the height of the hills, and at distances far further away from the foothills. If you think logically. A strong rotor churns the air, in a vertical, downward rotor. That air, needs to be replaced by air above it. It doesnt just produce an area of vacuum, the air rushes in from above it to fill the space created by the rotor. That air, in turn is replaced by the air above it.. And son on. You can AND WILL get significant turbulence at heights far exceeding the height of the mountain range. It is true however that by far the biggest danger area, is right up in the lee of the hills, below the hight of the peaks. This is where the roto=rs will be strongest, and the climb performance of the aeroplane may not be enough to get you out of the downdraft. Not just our aeroplanes either, modern turboprops etc have issues as well.
  4. Apparently the pilot did not fly from up the escarpment. he has a small strip only a few miles from the accident site. Several people that actually saw the aircraft, stated it seemed to be having difficulty with the winds.
  5. Science and spiritual guidance? In the same sentence?
  6. Too true Nev. :(
  7. Horrible. Unfortunately I know how you guys feel. I don't wish it on anybody. Tragic Travis news. Hopefully the investigation will lead to some changes. :( Pm me if u want to talk dudes. Trust me. You will need to.
  8. A tv show;) apparently why happens on this show constitutes a fact hey? Lol.
  9. Flying dog? Telling people to watch what they say? Quoting a tv show as some sort of evidence? With all due respect mate, a tv show is not an accurate source of information. An engine exploding during takeoff phase in busy cta is a far cry from an incident out to sea that may or may not have been immediately threatening.
  10. Hows about....A fire on board, slowly takes each system offline (as seen on several investigations beofre) The skippa turns towards the nearest, most suitable airfield. She burns through and breaks up in flight. or crew are disabled due smoke etc. Not a real conspiracy, and nowhere near as many papers gunna be sold, but much more likely then anything ive seen so far.
  11. Graeme. It was one of the ASRA guys. I dont understand, the weather was NOT fine. Perhaps the quote from the paper was not correct. The leeside turbulence in the area reaches far out to sea. You can see it on the surface of the water for miles when the winds are up. Going off the forecast there could have been 50 kts winds from the north west. And Observations from the ground only a few miles form the crash site, were "incredibly unfavourable" for light aircraft. The video may have already been viewed when I spoke to them, and they may have already discovered the reasons. But surley they would want to gather as much info as possible? Im not bagging, just wondering what methods of investigation are employed. I could be way off the mark.
  12. mmm...I offered the contact details of a trained pilot, who saw this gyro flying over his house only moments before it pranged. The investigator didnt even take his details, let alone talk to him. Further, he didnt think turbulence was a factor due to the mountains being 6 miles away. even tho this was the current winds: AMD OVERVIEW: SEVERE TURBULENCE BLW 7000FT [REFER TO SIGMET]. ISOLATED THUNDERSTORMS W OF MVI/YCOM, EXTENDING TO N OF YPKS/YSNW AFTER 23Z. ISOLATED SHOWERS, TENDING SCATTERED N OF YPKS/YSNW AFTER 23Z. BROKEN LOW CLOUD IN PRECIPITATION. BROKEN LOW CLOUD RANGES/SLOPES W OF YORG/YGLB/KIAN UNTIL 23Z. TROUGH NEAR YCWA/YMER, EXPECTED DOORA/YSRI BY 23Z. WIND: 2000 5000 7000 10000 14000 18500 330/25 310/30 300/35 300/45 PS02 290/45 MS04 290/45 MS12 REMARKS: [1] WIND ABOVE 7000 UP TO 20 KNOTS STRONGER SW OF MVI/YSNW AND UP TO 30 KNOTS AFTER 20Z AND THROUGHOUT BY 23Z. [2] WIND AT 5000FT UP TO 20 KNOTS STRONGER THROUGHOUT AND UP TO 30 KNOTS STRONGER BY 14Z. [3] WIND BLW 7000FT TENDING 250/25 SW OF TROUGH. WIND AT 2000FT UP TO 20 KNOTS STRONGER SEA/COAST AHEAD OF TROUGH. The accident happened at approx 23z The mountain range causes chronic turbs in a nor wester. We dont even bother pulling planes out, as indeed, we didnt that day. Im not saying this was a factor, but i would have thought at LEASt deserved some consideration. I told the investigator that i believed the tubs would have been very severe. he disagreed, as the mountains were too far away.. All I could do was offer my thoughts, having flown in the area quite a bit. The information from the police was that it was "nice weather"..So thats what they seem to go on. The problem with the leeside turbs is that it doesnt look nasty on the ground. At all..get to 200 feet and its like a washing machine.
  13. Really russ? Wow. Go pro's are playing a big part lately.
  14. Statistically the average australian has less then 2 arms;)
  15. Yes alf. I wouldn't like to speculate, I the wx wasn't the cause , it would at least be a casual factor which is why I mentioned it. Also , interestingly, the acft was perfectly in the middle of a very large paddock. I know the paddock well, as we often practice forced landings on it. It's the best paddock in the area.. And the wreck as I said was right in the middle . A co incidence quite possibly, but combined with the wx a picture that would need investigating starts to emerge.
  16. My mate described this gyro as "waving its tail all over the shop, and dropping its nose then raising it rapidly". Only moments before it crashed. The area we are in is very prone to leeside Turbulence . Very strong vertical and horizontal rotors are common. Its not predictable 'thermal" turbulence.
  17. The media report said the weather was pleasant? 45 kts westerly with severe turb's at 2000, real nice weather.
  18. A club member called me and said a Gyro just flew low over his house, looked like it was getting smashed in the severe leeside turbulence (forcast and Sigmett'd). 20 minutes later he called back. Told me the gyro had gone in. Pilot deceased. Thoughts are with the families involved.
  19. JB. The jabiru website has all the various AD's and checks required for all their engines. I suggest if you have concerns then dont rely on this forum for accurate information regarding"the latest issues" with Jabs or any other engine. This forum is only a resource, not an authority at all. If you have an issue with a Jab (or any other) engine be sure to report the problem or defect through the right channels, to add usable data to the weight of " general knowledge" so that those that can do something, will have the facts behind them. Oscar is not an authority on Jabiru aircraft. Jabiru are the authority on jabirus. Cheers
  20. One pranged at jaseprs about 2 years ago. Not sure what ever became of it. it was from wedderburn. Poor thing looked like its back was broken.
  21. Hard to hang him in the strength of the article, we don't have the full story. But for the rest of us it's a stark reminder of what energy absorbtion looks like when you don't pay it back to the the energy bank slowly. Pay it all back in one lump sum and you get heavily panelized. One of the big dangers with short field ops is coming in short and being behind the drag curve. Hitting things at flying speed is always gunna cost ya.
  22. Sounds like it should have been roaring like a lion, and getting the hell out of there!!!...:)
  23. The article said he was attempting to land in his mates paddock, but undershot the approach. Hit a colvert.
  24. Says the man with one of ross's posts as his handle. Grow up FT. Whats up? moved on from picking on DJ?
  25. Lol..I dunno much. But if I were considering being a rep, and I read sh!t like that..Id be sticking to my day job. And in the next breath you complain theres no decent representation. Good luck wit your "RAA" when this is how you treat the people who volenteer their time to keep us flying.
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