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Everything posted by motzartmerv

  1. Aahhh yes of course, the static port is a bit strange up there on the tail.
  2. The pitot and aofa indicator on the airline cockpit jabs is the worst one I've come across. We have seen it over read by 5 kts.
  3. Some configurations of pitot head cause the ASI to over read in a sideslip.
  4. Must have been operator error.. Or the LAME didnt know how to maintain it:)
  5. Thats a good explanation of what a stall is.. But i maintain...The pilot "causes" the stall.
  6. The cessna 208.. Probably the most versatile aeroplane ever invented.. :) IMHO Powered by the most reliable engine. The mighty PT6!!
  7. A buddhist walks up to a hotdog stand, and says" make me one with everything" hehe.. Oh sorry, I thought this was the joke thread...
  8. Yes i know. A shame for the owners, they just cant sell them either. Their reputation proceeds them unfortunately. Theres a couple in Melbourne that have no hours on them, sitting going to waste becsue nobody wants to fly them, the school cant use them and the owners cant sell them. They bought the badge, and were let down. Such a shame. I did some ferrying for Piper when they were selling the piper sports here. It was a shame how that deal turned out as well.
  9. They dont count. They dont have doors!!!
  10. I think you need to go have lie down tossca.. Relax mate, we all have an opinion
  11. :) Easter is only second to Christmas on the average families calendar of "must do's". I reckon numbers would almost double if it was held over a long weekend or something. Queens birthday? Who even knows when she was born? It certainly wasnt on the weekend we 'chose' to celebrate it:)
  12. Poor cessna. They did try, they gave it a good go, but just couldn't get into LSA mode of thinking. No Rotax, mixture of materials (aluminium and fibre glass) usable load that is totally useless, unfinished looking aeroplane inside and out. Nobody should doubt the pedigree but the skycatcher is a great example of the manufacturer not listening to the customer. Very VERY good lessons for other aircraft AND ENGINE manufacturers around the world. Including..Australia..
  13. I love the english..A pilot lost a wheel? bet that hurt..Damn, I reckon would be pretty painfull hey?
  14. What an incredible machine!!!
  15. And something to do with too much rudder..or not enough...?
  16. No..I know this one...Its when it gets too slow isnt it?...
  17. Haha..So on your way to film then? When you find a section of the community that doesnt have its fair share of 'ijits' please let me know. Bloody humans!!
  18. What in? Have to hire now:)
  19. Wow, two dikheads, one in the plane, one on the ground, and they both survived. The odds of that are quite astronomical.
  20. ............
  21. Nev, I used to make little kites out of flies. I would ask my sister for one single ( long) hair and catch a fly, tie a little knott around his legs.. :) a fly kite:) I'm sorry, I know I mite come across as a smart ass, but honestly 90% of the time I'm taking the p1ss. I realise it may come across bad.. But I can't help myself!!lol, especially when someone sticks their chin out and says " slap me.. Please!!" I get smacked around a fair bit too so it all evens out in the end. :)
  22. It's cool peter, I was just messing with you:)
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