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Everything posted by motzartmerv

  1. sorry.. Typo. Have fixed it for you. Pretty sure you would have understood it tho ;)
  2. Yea come on ornis, that sort of thing doesn't help.
  3. Pretty sad stuff. Hard to manage threats and errors when the PIC Is the biggest threat. No doubt a family left asking " why" today.
  4. I loved it!! Underpowered? Shouldn't bother am old school 2 stroker like you!! Lol
  5. Yes, and the retractable version ( lance). Beautiful aeroplane to fly.
  6. The Cherokee 6 is a heavy single, wouldn't be hard to get caught out if you got behind on the drag curve. Glad they all got out ok. Strange accident indeed.
  7. http://m.dailytelegraph.com.au/news/nsw/colleen-keen-59-killed-and-rachel-lumb-56-injured-during-light-plane-crash-in-wedderburn/story-fni0cx12-1227449794557
  8. ywed is one of the more challenging strips to fly into ( and out of) There's a slope, it's narrow, walled by trees and little or no options in an Efato. I don't allow students to solo in there as a rule. Regsrdless, if this accident was an approach stall, it's probably little to do with the strip. Although I will say, the field has featured in several fatals over the past couple of years, either as a departure or destination point. This is a terrible loss, I know the pilot and our thoughts are with the families today.
  9. Not sure Ada. The winds look pretty bad! Liz is recovered from her operation now so if the wx is ok we should be :)
  10. ? Was it something I said?
  11. That would be a rare Jab indeed.
  12. G'day Nijba. Forums are a fantastic place to share ideas, gain some insight and swap stories. Unfortunately, they can also be a source of great confusion and can erode some of the foundations your instructor will (should be) be laying and building on during your training. Your questions are excellent and show you have a reasonable grasp of some of the basic concepts, however, your Instructor is the dude i would be discussing the more complex things with. He/she is trained to impart the correct information, at the right time and lots of pilots like to have a crack at explaining things as they understand them, which is where much of the confusion comes from. There are a few subjects that you simply MUST understand properly to be safe, and some of those you have touched on in this thread. Enjoy the conversations here, but grab a coffee, sit down with your Instructor and 'learn".
  13. Fellas.. What hasthe aircraft type got to do with anything? I have read every post in this thread, and I can't see any jab bashings?? Why must we always end up like this? There's a real safety issue involved as a causal factor in this " training " incident, and some of you are wanking over the type of plane .., again!!! This aeroplane has already had its day in the sun ( when it spat a through bolt) a couple years ago. This has NOTHING. To do with this training incident. Thanks AMSA for the useful info.
  14. Pretty simple. Student on a training flight forced down due weather.. I know who I would be wanting words with. Not slanging
  15. Sounds like this kid did a great job! What he was doing out there in bad wx on 4th solo is the biggest concern I can see here.
  16. The difference is you can't practice law or be an accountant without the piece of paper. Just sayin...
  17. Horible horrible run we are having.... This one has witnesses. Not going to repeat what was 'reported' by them on the news incase it turns out to be more rubbish. Thoughts are with the family and friends.. .
  18. I dont think anybody agrees with the heavy handiness of CASA's action, just like im sure everybody agrees there were(are) issues that needed some intervention. The squabbling over the actions themselves serves nothing. The question is, what do we do from here? Complaining about the Govt is an aussie passtime, but at the end of the day, we are all 'bound' by decisions made by the powers that be. Ive been away for a while, has there bee any developments?
  19. Maybe VFR doesnt apply.....(sorry sally, JK) Whats the proper value that ensures we cant stall?...
  20. I understand kaz. But I have concerns also. The angle of attack has nothing to do with horizon. Or the attitude. It's that sort of thinking that leads to these issues. The angle of bank in a decending turn does not increase the stall speed ( alone) You don't need to watch where the stick is. You hav it in your hand and being aware of where it is is crucial. The elevator stalls the aeroplane. Not the horizon, not the bank angle, not the speed, not the slip, not the attitude. The elevator alone.. Using the airspeed and attitude to keep you from the stall is a potentially deadly mind set. As I am sure you are aware, the aeroplane can stall at any speed,and in any attitude.
  21. Sounds like a fun move kaz. What I'm getting at is the reason it stalled had nothing to dk with bank angle , slip, flap, rate of turn. And everything to do with where the stick was. That position won't change (generally speaking) :)))
  22. No, I meant why does the stall speed increase in the turn you described?
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