biggles, those temps look great, and nice and even aswel. Are they as marked? 3 and 4? One of our jabs (170) has always ran very cool in CHT and oil temp. While the 160 has always been a hot engine. CHT's routinely 30 or 40 deg's hotter than the 170, but still within the specs. The hottest engine (j) we have seen was in a 230 a few years ago. Always hot, always pushing the limits of the quoted specs. Pilots needed to fly it very particularly or risk over heating it. It never suffered a breakdown while online with us, but did suffer valve failure some years later when with another school.
Just 1 month ago a member bought an LSA 55 and had it delivered to the airfield. After .9 of an hour of flying it too suffered a valve seat failure. Both pilots stated it never got hot and the previous owner stated it was always a cool runner. To be fair, this aeroplane had not done alot of work in the previous year.
While I think heat is a contributing factor in some of the problems, I dont think it explains it all. We have several other jab engines we have run for extended periods with our school that have had varying degrees of success and failures. But to date the longest lasting engine is the 170, which has just clocked 900 hours. It snapped a through bolt stud at about 750 hours only 30 hours after the mandatory mod was performed. jabiru copped to that one explaining that the wrong parts were sent and installed. They warranted the damage due to their stuff up. There was simply no way out of it for them as the wrong part was sent and we still had the engine so they couldn't run. But..Im confidant that engine would have made the 1000 hrs. Out of 5 aircraft we have operated (significantly) one of them 'probably' would have made it to top end overhaul. The rest did not.
The stats in this poll, while only being 3o or so samples, dont look favourable at all, and certainly my own personal experience with them would align quite closely with the 10% of engines making top end of 1000 with no major problems (indicated in this poll)
Small samples such as this are still quite usable when looking purely at stats, although admittedly there are many more not represented. However, 30 samples, spread across a range of users is statistically quite ok to get a general idea of things. Dont hang your hat on them, but certainly dont chuck the results out with the bath water.
If this thread proves nothing else, it should serve as a prompt for any potential Buyer to go into the whole thing with eyes wide open. You will most probably, at some stage be spending money on your engine. You may not have to, but at least now you can't say you didnt know it was a 'possibility', some would say a high probability.The mods that 'learned' people speak of certainly do seem to offer a more reliable platform, although, this 'theory' cant be tested in the same way 24 rego'd school aeroplanes (think of taxis) can test the waters.
Again, im only commenting on personal experience and the results of this poll, not offering an opinion. (as per my promise) for what its worth.