We dont know what brought particular Jab down yet, it could have been due to any number of things. As others have highlighted the obvious lesson for us all is the
route selection. There are several areas surrounding the Sydney basin that would not be much chop in a forced landing situation. We can 'generally' select routes that are more favoured, but not always. Some location RAA acft are pretty much 'forced' into areas of similar suckiness with regards to places to gracefully set down. William town, Coffs harbour and richmond to a lesser degree are all quite bad if you can't transit the airspace.
The reporting points for camden have their issues IMHO, one being over or close to the oaks, creates issues with acft not broadcasting or monitoring the oaks frequency and stooging on through their cct area. Mayfield is hard up against some rubbish country, and heading in from Picton puts you quite low over the hills and through some serious Glider country on the right days. The Menagle reporting point has you threading the needle between the drop Zone, Wedderburn and a nearby control step, but is by far the best country to fly over.
This jab may not have been inbound to camden, but regardless, the flying around this entire area needs to be planned well with all efforts to avoid the tiger country, and those reporting points if you are not inbound to camden.
I dont envy this pilot, he would have been faced with some pretty hard decisions, and not much time to consider them Taking a creek as your best option would have been a scary ride, and the outcome certainly not assured, even if it was in a tough aircraft. Perhpas the route wasn't the best, but hats off for keeping it real and living to fight another day.