Very very sad. I feel for the family, and even more so if the accident is weather related as it totally avoidable.
Its a pet subject of mine, and many other Instructors Im sure.
Its all about setting limits (I reckon) defining them and sticking to them. When assessing the weather for students solo's etc, I use the VFR alternate minnimas as a 'guide'. By that I mean, if a pilot was to be planning a nav TO the airfield you are flying from, would that airfield require an alternate to be carried?
ie. Cloud base scattered at 1500ft agl (or worse), and vis 8 km's ( or worse) Tempos or inters for TS or RASH+ etc.
I reckon its a good place to start anyway. Sure, its perfectly legal to operate below these minnimas, but when deciding weather to fly, I reckon they are a good benchmark to make your decisions around. Are conditions forecast to improve or deteriorate etc.
We may be jumping the gun here, this prang may not have had anything to do with the WX, but it certainly should give us a push to discuss things I reckon, the wx certainly hampered the search for the wreckage.