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Everything posted by motzartmerv

  1. Wasn't for you...but there's plenty of love to go around:))
  2. Or, an attempt to get Info.. But you keep pushing your little wagon sweety.
  3. Oh gandy... The thread coppa.. That's a nice para you dug up. Good job. You two want a room?
  4. Ok. No problems Oscar. Sure theres others that have an opinion on the matter. While I appreciate your opinion and point of view, im sure there are others around who have actually operated the engines we are all talking about, and I would value their input on why the CaMit engine seems to be the holy grail.
  5. MY posts?.. yes I see the answer was about 30?.. Not a huge data set. And NONE in school aircraft. Call me naive, but why are some placing so much stock in this engine? While in the same breath rubbishing an engine with over 50000 units world wide? Its a genuine question Mr Llewellen, so spare me the valued judgments, and try and keep your response below the word count of your last two pages of offerings (1866 words in 2 posts..Some sort of record surely?) And Im tirseome ?
  6. Ok. ( rich coming from you) So refresh my memory ?
  7. Roughly??
  8. So how many camit engines do we base all this " fix" data on? How many camit engines are fitted to training aircraft?
  9. Yep. We see some pretty crazy stuff. Most people just dont know the rules, others know them, but dont care..
  10. Good onya col! Yea very warm. Nice storm came through and cooled things tho.
  11. True, but so is raa acft making forced landings every other week In parks, school grounds and beaches. That's the sort of thing that will land us all in hot water too.
  12. It's a beauty of a day... Let's go flying!!
  13. Reporting forms are in the raaus website. https://www.raa.asn.au/wp-content/uploads/2012/02/Defect-Report-November-2014_Fillable.pdf
  14. You report your failures frank?
  15. Sorry Dave, maybe I'm confused. I was talking about this type of moose stall. http://generalaviationnews.com/2013/06/30/beware-the-moose-spiral/ The classic low, slow, looking back in a turn.. In Alaska it happens so much while guys are looking at wildlife they named it a ' moose spiral. Or moose stall'
  16. No argument here. My point was that people are claiming casa are being missleading by holding back data. The raa have figures available for anyone who wants to look, that are on par with what casa are quoting. It seems some don't mind using " some figures" I help suport their case, and cry foul over other figures. If we honestly believe casa would falsify records and then act on them, then we really do have some problems. Conspiracy theories are easy to find, easy to propogate and can be a good distraction from the real story. So we have two Options here: 1. Casa are talkin sh1t and have falsified numbers, 2. There were actually a Shirtload of engine problems and they need to act. Not trying to sell a harbour bridge, but I know which option I would be betting on.
  17. Just like the "phony casa figures" :) just sayin.
  18. So, the report confirms that there is a "lack of reporting" problem in Australia..interesting considering a few posts ago you bit TP for talking about "un reported" cases of failures. Apparently the Forsyth report agree's with him.
  19. Yes the Forsyth report is very damming of casa. Was there a section in casa falsifying statistics on which they based their safety recommendations? Do we have any evidence at all that casa have told porkys? Not that I've seen. It seems the report while scathing of casa, falls short of producing any evidence that would indicate casa are " being dishonest" or lying in their quoted stats. I'm happy to be corrected of you have a report or a quote.. Or a poem or cliche that can provide evidence of ANYTHING ????
  20. Fair?...No.. Accurate? I would hope so..
  21. So which year did the 45 failures occur in ?
  22. Too right! Present legal dramas not withstanding :)
  23. Classic Moose stall it seems. Sad, and preventable.
  24. yes, speaking of invalid stats. I saw your post claiming a 60% increase in Rotax failures. Just to clarify, how many failures was that? What numbers did you use? If there was 1 failure one year, and the next year there was 2, thats a 100% increase.. Interesting the way stats work hey? Where as if there was 45 failures one year, and only 44 the next year, the stats would happily show a DECLINE hey? How "Valid" are stats like this? What ever stats CASA are using, the result is still the same. ‘I NOTE CASA’S ADVICE THAT, ALTHOUGH MOST JABIRU ENGINES OPERATE NORMALLY, THERE IS AN ABNORMAL RISK THE ENGINE IN THE AIRCRAFT WILL MALFUNCTION. Keep trying Oscar...
  25. Probably true. But none the less, its here and we need to a) learn to live with it b) Encourage Jabiru to produce answers so the limitations can be lifted. Seeing as paraphrasing a document to prove a point is the go.. I AM AWARE THAT THE CIVIL AVIATION SAFETY AUTHORITY (CASA) HAS DATA INDICATING THAT THE TYPE OF ENGINE USED IN THE AIRCRAFT HAS SUFFERED A HIGH NUMBER OF FAILURES AND RELIABILITY PROBLEMS. ‘I ACKNOWLEDGE THAT CASA HAS IMPOSED LIMITATIONS ON THE AIRCRAFT TO PROTECT PERSONS ON THE GROUND NOT ASSOCIATED WITH THE OPERATON OF THE AIRCRAFT, UNINFORMED PASSENGERS AND TRAINEE PILOTS. THOSE LIMITATIONS ALSO HELP PASSENGERS AND TRAINEE PILOTS TO MAKE AN INFORMED DECISION ABOUT WHETHER TO ACCEPT THE RISK OF FLIGHTS IN THE AIRCRAFT. End of story.. We can jump up and down, stomp our feet and point fingers all day long, but at the end of the day it wont help matters.. The ship has sailed, the horse has bolted, the cat has well and truly been tossed amongst the pigeons... Hopefully this will all be over quickly and Jab will produce the goods that CASA want, and we will have a better, safer Aussie product..
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