Thats right Drizzt1978. You made a good point about changing instructors, if it does'nt feel right it probably is'nt right.Changing instructors could be all that is needed to restore confidence in your flying abilities,worked for me early in my training and has made me a more confident and safer pilot.
Landing in turbulance and or with rotors off trees and hangers less flap to no flap is the best way for me especially in a crosswind,plus 5kts extra speed.
My normal approach is 70 kts.
Quoted from the book: In turbulent conditions,it is advisable to carry a few extra knots on approach to give you better controllability. A flapless approach should be considered, since it will make the aeroplane more responsive to a power increase due to the lower drag. End Quote.
Plus with less flap, less wing area for the gusting wind to grab onto stabilizing the approach, less fighting the aeroplane, less pilot stress, better approach= better landing.
Having flown both the 160 and the 230 the 230 wins the best jabiru to fly.
Why? More power, better climb, faster cruise + with the bigger wings more stable in the bad air. This is what I have found.