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    New Zealand

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  1. Now proud owner of half share in ZK-EKO as seen in the photo. Tecnam P92S.
  2. Been a LONG time since I updated this.
  3. Seems that the calendar life has been around for years but many owners don't know. Spoke with a friend today who has a year old Super STOL with a 914 (ex 747 pilot) who was unaware of the life. Also we have the SIL from Tecnam making replacement a recommendation which is being over ruled by CAA NZ!. On what authority?
  4. Hi Ian, Seems according to TECNAM and Solo Wings the answer is yes. Our Tecnam P92s has a 912 ULS with about 850hrs. We thought when we bought it that it had 2000hrs and would see us out. Now it seems it has 1500 BUT a calendar TBO of 12 years. Currently that gives us another 18 months but we never knew about this and to say we are pissed is an understatement. Also there is a Service Information Letter (SIL-2016-01) issued by TECAM Jan 6 2016 for Oceania engines that changes the mandatory calendar TBO to recommended. BUT apparently CAA in NZ are ignoring this. Please have a look at a Face Book page we have set up to try and organise NZ owners. Please spread this about. We need all ROTAX owners to be aware but we thin many aren't. Rotax New Zealand Owners
  5. We fly our P92 S Echo without the doors. Not a problem and as far as we know permitted. Asked the local Tecnam/Rotax engineer and the distributor.
  6. O'Brians? Do you have an address or phone? Do they make windshields?
  7. It's a Tecnam P 92 S Echo
  8. Looking for a local manufacturer in NZ capable of fabricating a replacement windscreen for the existing one which is cracked. The aircraft is still flyable but the crack is unsightly. Any ideas? A replacement from the aircraft company is pretty expensive.
  9. Only one vote? I fly multiple aircraft.
  10. I'm also a NZ pilot and none of my pilot friends can understand how this happened. The weather was bad and from reports the aircraft was not equiped for night flying and of course if it was registered as a microlight the rules are day VFR only. We all just hope that Civil Aviation Authority sees it for what it appears to be. An aberration! Microlight flying in NZ is largely self regulated and we all enjoy a level of freedom that still exists in light recreational flying. This is very sad and our sympathy and condolences go out to the family and friends of the pilots.
  11. Hi, Trying to decide between a Terrier 200 100hp or a Jabiru ST3 80hp. This will be our first microlight. I have ratings on the Tecnam Sierra and the Fly Synthesis Storch. Want a/c for 'a to b' travel so avalable weight to 544kg is important. Do my local stuff in gliders. I am in New Zealand. Second hand availability in NZ is strong driving point. Both a/c about same price $69 and $58k. Can't afford $130k for new a/c. Want sturdy a/c with reliability. Any comments about the Terrier Subaru Redundant Modular Ignition System? A bit concerned about weight of Terrier and relatively low payload. Any thoughts on which way to go?
  12. 2002 vs 2002 JF Yes I was wondering about that. MAUW for example. However I think the majority is the same but I will check against the photo copy version the owner has. Tim
  13. Sierra manual Thank you for this. Much more comprehensive than the photo copied one the owner has! I will print one for him as well. Tim :big_grin:
  14. Does anyone have a PDF or other soft copy of the aircraft flight manual? Tim
  15. Thanks for the welcome. Back in the 70s when I was in the RAF we had some RAAF pilots training with us. Can't remember the names but we were stationed at RAF Leeming flying JP3 and JP4s, the predecessor to the Strikemaster. I think they were there for jet conversions. Looking forward to getting back into powered flight where not every landing is a forced landing. Regards Tim
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