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Everything posted by BigPete

  1. Hi, landed here a long time ago. This may be the wrong thread but I hope it will do. There is a private airstrip a few miles from the township of Cobdogla in SA, just down the road from Berri. Does anybody know who owns it and their contact details please. My brother now lives in Cobdogla and I would love to fly in to visit. Kindest Regards Peter. (BigPete).
  2. My 11 year old factory built J160c has done 947 hours and is running just fine. BigPete.
  3. I have an iPad mini (latest version) 128g and iOS 9.3.2 installed with no problems.
  4. I too have had an ongoing issue with misfiring, running rough on take off. Checked everything that's been posted here. Fuel flow, spark plug leads, distributor caps, etc, etc. Then I was given a spare coil that came off a Jabiru that had a cold start kit fitted to it, so I knew it was good. Fitted the coil (the gap was a bugger to set, used thin card board) to what I thought was the bad side. But this made no difference. Still misfired on take off. Feeling that "Murphys Law" was in play, I then swapped the replaced coil (the one we removed) with the other one (the one I didn't touch). This went very smoothly as I had already done it recently (very) and I still had my pieces of cardboard! Took a few turns to get it started (A breakthrough clue, but I didn't know it then) and took off once again still misfiring. Back safely on the ground I decided to put in new plugs (the old ones had only done 30 hours but I was now clutching at straws AND I better re-check the coil gaps. I'm positive that I set them at .0012" but they measured .0017" - WTF!!! So to cut an embarrassing story short I re-set the coil gaps to .0010" (a few thou under to allow for Murphy) and went flying. Climbed like a scalded cat. Problem fixed. Hope this may help.
  5. G'day Keith. I've only flown 16 hours so far this year. I need to go some where.... Wentworth?
  6. How can you be really happy if you don't know sad.......
  7. BigPete

    Imported Item

    Murray Lanyons Stearman - Echuca
  8. Thanks Doug. My brother will pick me up and take me to the hospital. Be great if I can put the Jabiru in under cover. If not, where is the best Place to tie down? Regards
  9. Have to go to Murray Bridge on Friday. Mum in Law in a bad way under palliative care with only weeks to go. Any chance of hanger accom for Jabiru 160 for Friday night, all day Sat and Sat night leaving on Sun morning. Happy to pay for space. Please PM me or answer here. Regards Peter.
  10. Mines on its way, as well. regards
  11. Can nanyone who is going to the meeting PM me with your name AND address so I can make my Proxy vote count. regards
  12. Done. Good Luck. regards
  13. You nailed it, Nev :thumb_up: regards
  14. Thanks for the replies. We usually manage to squeeze someone into a hanger here at Echuca if given enough warning. With the understanding that your aircraft might well be moved to outside the hanger during the day so other people can access their plane. At least this way you are sure of overnight protection and security. Generally costs $15.00 a night when available. regards
  15. I too may have occassion to fly in. (repeatadly) Is there overnight hanger space available at Murray Bridge or Aldinga? regards Peter
  16. So............. that makes it four times???????? regards
  17. Try using your ears to maintain height. The prop/motor will spin a bit faster if nose down and a bit slower in climb - can be quite subtle, but it works well for me. (muso ears) regards
  18. Thank you to all for your kind wishes and thoughts. We had a small at home funeral yesterday in the garden. We think Annie would have loved it. regards
  19. Hey Cazza, how about a "Beginners Guide to Fibreglass Construction" for all of us that don't have a clue, but would like to get some basic skills and knowledge. (with a hands on workshop) regards
  20. You need Nathalia International. (3.7 Nm from Township) S36 01 44.8 E145 08 09.1 Private strip. I don't have contact details but Markendee (forum member) may be able to help. regards
  21. BUT - Flying Dog. These were the good old days!!! regards
  22. Geez Planey - you really got the ball rollin' regards
  23. Thanks Planey, :big_grin: Thanks Captain, :heart: Thanks Turbo, :thumb_up: and thanks to you too, Derek. regards :big_grin::big_grin: PS and thankyou to all other froum members.
  24. Planey - I can remember when a shillin' bought 6 potato cakes (tuppence each) :big_grin: then 14th February 1966 10 cents and only five bloody tatta cakes (I may have only been 12 but I knew we were getting screwed) :black_eye: regards :big_grin::big_grin:
  25. G'day Bruce, It depends on how long it will take you to build the kit to a point when it's ready for engine fitting. Don't forget you have to store it properly and there may be a few modifications by the factory (on going development/problem fixes). It's very tempting to buy now and save the money but you may have to spend some of that $1500 to update the engine. Now it you whack it together in 3-6 months, then that's a different story..... regards
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