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Everything posted by tvaner

  1. Have HARS knocked on the door or called yet, Nev. I see they now have one.
  2. Jim, You got my vote at the last election and all that you have been doing since being installed into the role has vindicated my choice. You continue to have my 100% support. Just remember, when swimming upstream against the flow you might get a few knocks from the dead fish going with the flow. Keep at it mate. You are obviously making a few people very nervous. Please add me to your list for email updates should you decide to go that way.
  3. Thanks Andy. Already done.
  4. Try here mate. http://www.heron.com.au/contact.html
  5. I didn't know the Cheetah talked Ross!
  6. From memory, there was also mention somewhere in the mag of an updated operations manual being released later in the year.
  7. Sunglasses & prescription sunglasses was discussed some time ago here. There are a lot of new members around here since this discussion took place who may also find it an interesting read.
  8. This also caught my eye and thanks for posting about it, Ben. Hopefully, someone who was present or one of the board members will be able to add some flesh to this for us. Further down in the minutes under upcoming agenda items advised by the president is item 7. "Ensuring none of the RA-Aus qualifications are more difficult to attain than through CASA." Is this item associated?
  9. Mine turned up in todays mail. Hooray.
  10. They got to walk away from it. That's great.
  11. It sounds like your having a ball Dave. All the best for the nav's mate.
  12. It's been a while but here is one from Porepunkah ealier this year.
  13. Well done mate. Knew you'd do it. Now for nav's?
  14. Is this the new "S" model?
  15. Congrat's Dave. Well done.
  16. Ya gotta give the guy an "A" for effort.
  17. Best of luck for Monday Dave. You'll nail it mate.
  18. I'd be surprised if a light coat of ArmorAll wouldn't bring that up as new Pud.
  19. Try here in the Ops. Manual Tomo - Section 3.04 - 44. (Bottom of the page)
  20. So your the culprit ozzie. Half the eastern seaboard is washed out. i_dunno
  21. A home built kit plane with engine problems has made an emergengy landing in a tree canopy this afternoon near Lancefield, Victoria. 1 pax (pilot) was winched to safety. More here and here.
  22. Bright Microlights at Porepunkah is RAA Ian.
  23. No doubt you can bank on about 12 Tomo.:big_grin:
  24. I was at Bright April/May & went for a flight on a microlight at Porepunkah. What an experience. It has a great grass strip. At the time there were a number of trikes, RAA & GA aircraft at the field, including twins. If I remember correctly, there was also an honesty tin for a $5 (donation), I think this was for overnite parking.
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