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Everything posted by tvaner

  1. Congratulations to both you guys. Well done.:thumb_up: A day you will both always remember.
  2. Home buuilt Savannah 4443 visiting Tooradin. [ATTACH]7965.vB[/ATTACH] [ATTACH]7966.vB[/ATTACH] [ATTACH]7964.vB[/ATTACH]
  3. No Dave, Just use one for camping. Cheers, Keith
  4. "The first testicular guard was used in cricket in 1874. The first helmet was used in 1974. It took 100 years for men to realise that the brain is also important.":confused:
  5. Pics Here's a couple more. [ATTACH]7694.vB[/ATTACH] [ATTACH]7695.vB[/ATTACH] [ATTACH]7696.vB[/ATTACH] [ATTACH]7697.vB[/ATTACH] [ATTACH]7698.vB[/ATTACH] [ATTACH]7699.vB[/ATTACH] [ATTACH]7700.vB[/ATTACH] [ATTACH]7702.vB[/ATTACH] [ATTACH]7703.vB[/ATTACH]
  6. Some great shots there Slarti.:thumb_up:
  7. Great idea fella's. Why not add the information to the relevant airfield from the list already a part of this site.
  8. Hey, it was great to catch up with you guys. Glad you enjoyed the day I know we did and thanks Adrian for the quick run around the block. Sorry that some of the other locals were unable to make it but, that's Easter I suppose. Have some more work to do on the pics but here are a couple. Will email them out later in the week.:thumb_up: [ATTACH]7653.vB[/ATTACH] [ATTACH]7654.vB[/ATTACH]
  9. Did you manage to get any snaps Brent that you can share? ;)
  10. Have to agree with MrH. Great pic's Captain. I also dream of the day I can make it but, alas it being held each Easter I can't see that happening in the near future. More pic's everyone. Have a great Easter all, and for those attending, have a safe trip.
  11. I wonder if he will get to choose the pineapple size...................
  12. In addition to the J160 & J170's available at Tooradin they also had a Texan which may be worth considering as it could possibly be more like what you are used to.
  13. Good to see some one else working today.
  14. Some nice shots there Brent. Looks like all had a great time.
  15. Thanks for the corrections and additions to the info guys. It was a long time ago. That article was sure an interesting read Mike. I recall also reading something about earlier models having a margin of about 9kts which was reduced to somewhere near 5kts in later models. These videos demonstrate pretty well what happens during take-off and landing. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HlipEP6MdRg"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HlipEP6MdRg[/COLO Would you believe they even had one call in at Airventure 2007? It would be great to see one at Avalon.
  16. tvaner

    Jab Fire

    Hi Frank, Try this link. ;) http://www.recreationalflying.com/forum/incidents-accidents/27622-jabiru-fire-bundaberg.html
  17. Yep. The weak link is higher up the chain.
  18. Yep. I get it. Only been on the mailing list a short time and have received the last two editions. From memory the latest RAA mag has a CASA advertisement encouraging members to add themselves to the mailing list via online or phone. There was also a thread here some time ago discussing the same. PS: see bottom of P50 in latest RAA mag.
  19. tvaner

    Upsize Me

    Gents, I think this question is answered in the latest Mag. at the top of page 33 in the article by Steve Bell on aircraft registrations, "If you are considering LSA, remember that they cannot be any heavier than 600kgs MTOW, which means that when RA-Aus is given the weight increase asked for, these aircraft will remain restricted to 600kgs."
  20. BLA82, For a number of years back in the 60's a little known fact is that some U2's were based in Australia at East Sale. Due to their great wing span they have ejectable wheels near the leading edge of the wings. When they take off they eject these wheels. If you look closely in this clip you can see one of these being ejected. When landing they require these wheels to be locked in place on each side before they slow down and a wing or wings hit the ground. This is usually done by ground crew hanging out of a vehicle at each side of the aircraft. Not a job for the faint hearted. If this couldn't be achieved before the aircraft slowed down too much they would have to do a go around. They are a spectacular aircraft to see in action and I believe there are still a few flying. Another brilliant aircraft from Kelly Johnson and his skunk works. I'm sure this is one glider Tony H. would have liked to get his hands on. I hope this helps answer your question.
  21. Little boys who tell lies usually grow up to be weather forecasters.
  22. You're right on both counts Brent. I recall reading it. :confused:
  23. Great. Thanks Ian. I also notice these are privately owned web based weather stations and they are looking for more stations to be added. There is no doubt that over time this will expand. Info for email updates on new sites & to have your weather station added is available at this link. WeatherNet
  24. Found this site providing 24/7 current weather which may be helpful when trip planning. The Captains post requesting current weather for his trip to Avalon prompted the search. It appears that with time there will be more stations added. Local WeatherX-XLocal Weather Enjoy. Should it prove to be useful, maybe Ian can incorporate it into his weather section under navigate!!!!
  25. Thanks for that Ross. They are both impressive.
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