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Everything posted by tvaner

  1. Thanks for that Ross. It's a really neat package. (need a drool emoticon) PS. Do you know how much difference there is in the Vne & stall figures between the all metal with flaps & your craft?
  2. Great review Ross. I see in a couple of your cockpit shots that the nav. gear changes. ie compass, GPS setup etc. What's the story there?:)
  3. Forget the manual Captain. When's Ben going buy the rights & do the movie.
  4. kar200. Plenty of great people and info around here.
  5. You're more than Mark. Enjoy your stay & all the good info & interaction.
  6. Certainly felt it here at Beaconsfield at about 5 to 9 last nite. So did the budgie, he dive bombed off his perch and was in a confused state. :confused:
  7. There could be Doug. There's a lot to wade thru though. If I get a chance I'll see if I can start looking through them on night shift tonite.
  8. Hi all, Had this sent to me and had to share it here. It's a film clip from the Austrian archives about the Wright Brothers demonstrating their plane in Italy in 1909. What is even more fantastic is there was an on-board camera on the Wright plane and the last part of this film shows it. It's crystal clear. Wilbur Wright is at the controls on both of the flights Wilbur Wright und seine Flugmaschine - 1909 - Europa Film Treasures
  9. Seat belts on. Hatch's secure. "Keep'em coming Tony.":thumb_up: They're a great read and entertaining.
  10. Thanks for sharing your great video Ben. RIP Pip. You will be sadly missed.
  11. Some great shots there slarti, thanks for sharing them.
  12. The coach of Collingwood Football Club gets wind of a potential new young recruit who lives in Afghanistan. He and the Magpie Recruiting Manager thumb a lift with the RAAF to the war torn country and track the young man down. Risking life and limb dodging bombs, bullets, RPGs and grenades they finally find the lad and convince him to come to Australia. The boy does a full pre-season, plays all the practice matches and gets picked for the senior's bench for the first game of the year. Ten minutes into the first quarter, the centre half forward goes down with a severe knee injury. The coach turns to the young lad and says, “This is it son, take the centre half forward position and show us what you can do!” The lad takes to the field and plays the greatest debut game in AFL history. He kicks 9 goals, takes the mark of the year and kicks the winning goal after the siren from outside 50. The Pies chair him off the ground and give him three cheers. Back in the dressing room, the Coach tells the rest of the team what the young Taliban boy has been through and that he is a model for all youth in Melbourne. He then pulled the boy aside and tells him to ring his mother and tell her what he did today. The boy phones his mother and says, “Mum! Guess what I did today!” “I don't care what you did today,” said his mother, “I'll tell YOU what happened here today while you were out wasting time! - Your Dad was stabbed and robbed, the house was torched, our car blown up, your sister attacked and your brother abducted!” ”By the beard of the prophet mother', said the boy, “I feel a bit responsible for what happened in my absence.” His mother replied before slamming the phone down, “So you should be!.......If it wasn't for you, we would never have moved to Collingwood in the first place!”
  13. Hi ozzie, safe here so far. I think we are all shell shocked at the shear magnitude of the devastation and loss of life that has occurred so far. Just heard (1100hrs) that for the 1st time since Saturday no communities are under threat but, I think we're all mindful that the fires are not out and praying that they can be contained during the current lull in the weather.
  14. Hi Gibbo, I was at YTDN 3 or 4 weeks ago hanging over the fence (as you do) and saw the 165 (4587) doing T&G's with a solo pilot on RWY 22 & the aircraft was doing what you have described. When the mains touched, the nose was forced down then the mains again & so forth. After a couple of these the pilot chose to go round again. This happened a few times before a reasonable landing was achieved. From what I saw the aircraft was not being held off sufficiently after flare. ie the nose was only approx. 6 -10" off the ground at touch down. It appeared the pilot was not increasing the back pressure during the hold-off enough at the critical time, which would have held the nose wheel clear of the runway during landing. PS: I would suggest a couple of laps with the CFI to assist sorting this out. That's one of the reasons that he is there for. The 170 is a great aircraft, but not an easy one to handle on landing or when on the ground. Hope observation this may help.
  15. As the rest have said Tomo, "hang in there", the ride IS WORTH IT.
  16. All of the above Brett. Well done. A feeling you will get to relive i'm sure for many years to come.
  17. :thumb_up:A great trip report & photos Matt & Kaz.
  18. Just foolin' Adrian. I'm on the opposite side of town to you who is offering a ride. :) Flying in would be great, and for those going that way, have a great and safe day and journey. However, I will be there. Have arrangements with a few friends to taxi on down on the long tarmac on either the Sat or Sun.
  19. Now I wish I lived on the other side of town.
  20. Well done drizz, had a similar problem on one lesson when my normal instructor, who teaches as you describe, was not available. Had the throttle pulled unexpectedly when just over the fence before flaring. Sure made for a handful & a rough landing. Couldn't wait to get out of the aircraft.
  21. Hi Brent, No, generally the J160 & sometimes the J170. (Haven't tried the 165!!! yet) But, with my long legs I don't need the peddles up. (Have a few photos you may be interested in seeing though)
  22. Well done. Well done Kent.:thumb_up::thumb_up: There is no doubt that your determination to find out the true cause of your incident, and your willingness and courage to share it openly on this forum, has now had an impact on safety that we will all benefit from.
  23. It might pay to confirm that the Monday is a gazetted public holiday in Victoria. We have had times where this is not the case.
  24. Pig Pictures Steve????
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