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Everything posted by tvaner

  1. This just proves that we have become too dependent on our computers. Are you male or female? To find out the answer, look down... Look down, not scroll down you idiot
  2. Always love that sense of humour airsick.
  3. It may be easier to ask who isn't going next year.
  4. Sorry to hear of your misfortune Slarti, Glad you both got out without a scratch and hope the Cheetah is in the air again soon.
  5. Great Job Ben You sure have given new meaning to the word "mini" Ben. Great job. This should certainly impress the locals and create interest in flying and training throughout the community. Hope the weather holds out for you all. Now, I wonder who will be organising the Recreational Flying FLY-IN's in the future??? ;) Only wish I was available to attend but, unfortunately someone has to work.
  6. Motz, Is it the membership that provides the insurance cover or the aircraft registration?thumb_down
  7. Finally received mine yesterday:juggle:
  8. Try here Marius. How to insert images in your post - Recreational Flying
  9. Some of the best there Matt.
  10. Some great shots there Ben. :thumb_up:
  11. There's a line their somewhere but I think I'll leave it be. Is that OK airsick? ;)
  12. That's great news Derek. Looking forward to seeing the progress reports.
  13. Can't see any picture Tony.
  14. Congrats on winning with those great shots Matt. Your kind & generous offer is gratefully received. PS. Thankyou for the special mention Shelley.
  15. Well done Slarti. It looks great.:thumb_up::thumb_up:
  16. A bit of Basil Falty there airsick. Couldn't help that one.
  17. Nicely done airsick.
  18. You Betcha Rocko.
  19. You sure have Rocko. Plus, I would imagine a number of others both now & into the future.
  20. Thanks for all the detailed replies gents. I certainly ended up with a lot more info than I anticipated and it has helped change the direction I was originally heading and in turn probably saved me from getting something that would have been unsuitable. The original plan, after some initial homework, was multifocal transitions/photo chromic. Looks now like multifocal with fixed colour, probably grey. Not polaroid.
  21. I have searched thoroughly through the existing posts trying to determine what sunglasses would be best suited for me for flying.:confused: It appears this has been a subject that has been lightly touched on in a number of threads but, there was not enough info that would help me to decide which is the best way to go to spend my hard earned. Like many here I wear prescription lenses so the days of just buying a snazzy pair of sunnys’ has long gone. I don’t possess a pair of sunglasses and currently use multifocals for general use and readers for computing and reading. I would imagine that I am not alone in using this combination. What I am interested in finding out is what combination do you find is the best option as far as effectiveness in cutting out glare when looking out the windscreen & readability in the cockpit for instruments, chart reading, prayer wheel etc. There are a myriad of choices and combinations: ie. Flips over existing set. Over covers for existing set. Transitionals v’s fixed colour. What colour? Distance. Multifocal. Bi-focal. Tri-Focal. Polaroid or not. etc. etc. What combination works best for you? All suggestions and info greatly appreciated.
  22. Sick'em Motz
  23. tvaner

    Great Idea

    Have a read of this thread Martin.:thumb_up: http://www.recreationalflying.com/forum/showthread.php?t=4073
  24. Thanks for that Phil. Took 800+ shots over the weekend. I was like a kid in a lolly shop. Enjoy Wanaka. Look forward to seeing some of the shots.
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