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Everything posted by tvaner

  1. Having grown up in town next to the East Sale RAAF base and watching the assortment of aircraft from Winjeels to the majestic and mysterious U2’s come and go, and eagerly attending open days when they occurred, it’s not hard to believe that I’m an aviation nut who has had a life long aspiration to learn how to fly and a love of all things aviation. I suppose it didn’t help that the RAAF aerobatic team was, and still is, based there and practice in the area regularly. Last June during a conversation over a few reds at a family do with a mate (Bill), who also happens to be an RA pilot, I was asked, “if there were somewhere you would like to go, where would that be?†Now, now be nice. Seriously, how do you respond to a question like that? After some thought and further discussion the idea was hatched to attend a Temora Flying Weekend. Initially the plan was to hire a Jab from Tooradin for the weekend and take our time and a date was set. This had to be postponed through illness and a new date in November was set. As the time drew near, Bill’s GA instructor expressed an interest so it was agreed to hire a twin for the weekend and all three of us would go. The Piper Seminole being loaded up. [ATTACH]5108.vB[/ATTACH] We departed Moorabbin at approx. 0900 and flew IFR via Tullamarine, Mangalore, Corowa then Temora. We arrived just as the show was starting at 1100hrs. CA-13 Boomerang. [ATTACH]5109.vB[/ATTACH] [ATTACH]5110.vB[/ATTACH] [ATTACH]5111.vB[/ATTACH] [ATTACH]5112.vB[/ATTACH] Canberra Bomber [ATTACH]5113.vB[/ATTACH] [ATTACH]5114.vB[/ATTACH] Hudson Bomber [ATTACH]5115.vB[/ATTACH] [ATTACH]5116.vB[/ATTACH] [ATTACH]5117.vB[/ATTACH] Meteor [ATTACH]5118.vB[/ATTACH][ATTACH]5119.vB[/ATTACH] P51 Mustang [ATTACH]5120.vB[/ATTACH] Aussie Aviation Legend Col Pay with his P51 [ATTACH]5121.vB[/ATTACH] CA-27 Sabre undergoing restoration to flying conditiion. [ATTACH]5122.vB[/ATTACH][ATTACH]5123.vB[/ATTACH] Spitfire [ATTACH]5124.vB[/ATTACH][ATTACH]5125.vB[/ATTACH][ATTACH]5126.vB[/ATTACH][ATTACH]5127.vB[/ATTACH] Wirraway & in Pic 3 with a Harvard [ATTACH]5129.vB[/ATTACH][ATTACH]5128.vB[/ATTACH][ATTACH]5130.vB[/ATTACH] Lockheed 12A [ATTACH]5131.vB[/ATTACH][ATTACH]5132.vB[/ATTACH] What a weekend. Accommodation in town is nigh on impossible on these weekends but we managed to secure a home stay with some retired locals and were treated like royalty. Travel to & from the airport and a great breakfast Sunday morning. Temora Airfield on departure. [ATTACH]5133.vB[/ATTACH] The trip home was uneventful and total flying time was 3.7hrs. For those that have been to one of these weekends, I think they would agree they are a must see when you have the opportunity. The variety ie. Warbirds, GA’s, Vintage and Ultra light aircraft were all well represented. All photos are available in higher resolution JPEG format.
  2. I can see it now. ;) The large motorised conveyer arriving at Echuca behind a truck for everyone to try out their theories. What a weekend that would be. ;) Brilliant stuff.
  3. Have been offline over the long weekend & the banter in this thread has been interesting to read. Have had a few laughs. Rog, I read an article once that was an interview with an all female crew of a USAF heavy transport and they were asked how did they feel being in charge of the cockpit. The interviewer was roundly told that it was no longer called the cockpit. On this aircraft it is called the Box Office - The Best Seats in The House. I couldn't stop laughing. It was one of the best come backs that I have heard.;)
  4. They ARE both great shots fly43. Especially the 1st one, enter them in the comp. ;);)
  5. Motz, I thought that was supposed to be at the weekend.;);)
  6. Couple of nice shots there Brentc.
  7. Welcome aboard MikeRalph. Great story & glad you're around to remind us all of the consequences of our actions.
  8. http://au.youtube.com/watch?v=noXO3jiKorc :confused::confused:
  9. Don't know about the Red Arrows Motz, but a group you don't hear much about now days certainly did. The Red Sales, fore runners to the Telstars and the Roulettes, went down practicing a barrell roll at Dutson Downs south of Sale in the mid sixty's. Four Vampires & six pilots were lost.
  10. Hi Paul, Attachment was posted following the forum instructions. It worked earlier on today & is now doing the same to me. Will have another look tomorrow. I'm currently at work & without access to the photo.
  11. Well done Slartibartfast.
  12. This should be an easy one.
  13. Thanks Scott & congrats on your new aquisition. She looks a beauty. Cheers & Safe Landings, Keith.
  14. Thanks for the welcome & encouragement gents. Cheers & Safe Landings, Keith.
  15. Hi one & all, I'm not flying as yet but have had a life long passion for aircraft & flying. Am hoping to start in the New Year provided I can gain some form of agreement from the other half. I have joined to gain a better understanding of all aspects associated with flying via the forum etc. Other interests are family, photography (mainly aircraft) & camping. Cheers & Safe Landings, Keith.
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