Simple answer: no. You're an RAAus licensed pilot, flying in a GA aircraft. You are not licensed to fly that aircraft. Sure, if it was a GA instructional flight, and the flight was logged out as such, then yes, it would be dual. But that it the only time you could log it dual.
In RAAus, there is only ever one PIC. You cannot share or swap PIC duties during a flight: the person who signs out the aircraft at the start of the flight must remain PIC for the duration. If you are 'sharing' an aircraft, the only way two people can both log hours is for first person to fly to destination, then second person must sign-out for the next flight. There's a good reason for this: insurance and responsibility. If there is an accident, the person who signed out the aircraft will be recorded as the PIC by the investigators, and will be the one held responsible from a legal perspective. That person is responsible for all aspects of flight, including navigation.
Make a note in your personal diary, or put a sticky note in your log book for your personal reference: it'll be good to look back in 10 years to revisit the experience. And yes, flying into Avalon is a fantastic experience, and it's something to be remembered!