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john emmerton

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Everything posted by john emmerton

  1. Always happy to receive emails from jabiru lovers.
  2. Hi Roscoe........fly safe, above all else.....I am sure that you do..! I will put down my $10 K deposit in around 4 weeks time, and then Karl Faeth and Sue Ingham from S.A. will do the delivery for me. Cheers, keep in touch.
  3. Do you cruise at 90 kts or a little faster...?? I will be curious to hear. Cheers, and many thanks.
  4. Thanks Roscoe........pls keep me informed, as by then I will have to decide between the 160 or the 170. The 160 is sweet to land. 1sr check, and then a couple of seconds later the 2nd check. If the final approach is stable, you can feel the landing gear flare out under you and then return to the "loaded" position as the aircraft decelerates. I always had trouble in the "float" with the 170, but I think that that is due to only a handle full of hours in the 170, whereas I had many more hours in the 160. The 160 felt so good to me that it was like putting on a pair of old work boots - reliable, dependable, and would not let me down. The 170 now appeals to me however due to the potential for slower landing speeds. I also have a high regard for the Jab as an aircraft. When I was doing my training at Gawler in S.A., we students worked the three 160s very hard. And....the factory support was always very good. If there was going to be a problem with service / backup / support, we all would have heard about it. And the Jabs were being flown 6 days a week. Cheers mate.....let me know how it all goes.
  5. Yes.......and I have been thinking about the 170 as opposed to the 160. The 160 is my first preference, as the 170 always seemed to float on landing a little too much, but I now think it may be 'cos I invariably tried to land the 170 with a little power on. I am due to plonk down my deposit in a few weeks, so it may yet be the 170 I eventually buy. Cheers Roscoe.......good to hear from you.
  6. Out of curiosity, what made you go for a 170 as opposed to a 160...?? Cheers,
  7. I have to say I am puzzled by the outright venom that some people express in relation to the Jabiru.......in the 100 plus hours I have on the 160 and the 170 at my training school, we had three of them. Apart from routine maintenance, there were, by comparison, very few serious issues, and the Jabiru factory in Bundaderg supported us 100 %. If there were any serious issues re support from Bundaberg, I would have heard about them. We had three jabs......all of them did a lot of work with us students. I am yet to be convinced that there are serious issues, with either the Jab or the factory support. And of course, there are nearly two thousand of them flying, as I understand it, right around the world. Not bad......!
  8. Email me [email protected] am curious to hear your side of the story. Cheers,
  9. Fantastic to hear from you both......god, I sure do miss Truro flats, but I will be back there in a couple of months. I will be retiring to my property in Waikerie, and every w/end I will be back on the airfield. Take care, both of you. And again, great to hear from you both.
  10. Yes........you are correct.......the "Jabiru" tag elicits much comment...! Very passionate....very intense.....very emotive....reminds me of 50 years ago when I was a 14 yr old teenager, with an absolute fascination for exercising my left wrist by utilising another part of my body. (Always good to exercise, I say to myself....) But I look forward to picking up some Jabiru owner tips from this web site. Cheers my friend, fly safe......I am sure that you do. (John Emmerton, currently living/working in Alice Springs, and retiring back to S.A. in March 2014.)
  11. Yes, I have lined up 2 experienced Jabiru instructors who have done this run several times b4.
  12. Truro Flats, S.A.
  13. No.....it will be the standard jabiru engine.
  14. Truro Flats in S.A.
  15. I was fortunate to fly with him too.........cheers mate.....I will always remember the Human factors course you ran and the great BBQ afterwards.
  16. Always happy to receive emails from jabiru lovers and those folk who would like to fly the J160.
  17. Not sure if this is the place to do this, but "Hi".......I am a low time jab jock.....about 100 hours total and will be buying a new J160 D in March 2014.
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