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Everything posted by Deskpilot

  1. I was 1 day old when that crashed. I doubt that I cared at the time.
  2. A proposed swing wing version of the Lightning, with a solid nose. Bl**dy ugly compared to those that actually existed
  3. Amazing job by the camera man to follow those 2 dots in the shy. Thanks for sharing.
  4. Only thing missing is the price?
  5. I wasn't with 74 Sqdn when they were in Singapore but was down the road at Seletar, servicing their radars. I was at Leuchars prior to going to Singa's. Funny enough, I never saw a Lightning flying around Singapore.
  6. WOW, that's quite an offer for some lucky guy or gal. Not set in stone perhaps but there must be a load of resume's being written at the moment.
  7. I had the privilege to service Lightning of 19, 23 and 74 Sqdns during my RAF career. I've heard the story of reaching the Blackbird before. Another note-worthy event is that only the Lightning chased and caught Concorde on its trans-Atlantic run. Prior to being closed down, a Thunder City Lightning set a new climb to height record in South Africa. 1 minute 20 seconds(if memory serves me well) from stand-still to 30,000ft. I still wear my sqdn badges occasionally. in order, 19, 74, 23 and 47 sqdn of Transport Command (Blackburn Beverley's), my initial sqdn.
  8. WOW, very interesting video. Seems like a lot of work but the end result is very nice. Of course, it now has to be painted unless you're leaving it white. On a side note. Thanks for applying some decent music, not your usual pop/heavy metal rubbish. As an ex bass player (non classical) I really appreciated it.
  9. In one video it shows the guy removing a locking ring prior to undoing the wing-nut.
  10. When ever I see your title, Tally Ho, I automatically think of another forum i'm following: Tally Ho – Sampson Boat Co.
  11. My,My, you're showing your age sir. Our younger members will have no idea what you're talking about. From the western series Bonanza. (I think)
  12. Got to say it, this agro pilot is awesome
  13. A very nice looking aircraft. I visited Dennis at his Kingston base some years ago. Unfortunately it was well out side the limits of my pocket at the time....................and still is. Apart from wishing I could a ford a Lightning, I also wish I was still as slim as back then.
  14. Can you imagine the amount of energy being spent in something like that. Bl**dy amazing.
  15. Oh dear, walked into that one, didn't I.
  16. Let me know when you'r free and I'll travel down to meet up again. Failing that, you could drop in to my place and check out my Thruster on your way to the airport (Adelaide) ....assuming you're going back to China of course.
  17. Hmmm, first attempt.....Failure. I think I got the resin/hardener ratio wrong as over-night, the resin layers began separating. At the time of brushing them on, I had wondered about the speed of setting. Now I know. Ah well, learn by your mistakes. I'll do some more test pieces and try to find the correct mix ratio for small amounts of resin.There must be an easier way than counting drops of hardener.
  18. Welcome Wes. Had to google that, yeah, been there, done that. So, now tell us a bit about your aviation story, what you fly now etc.
  19. Thanks David, not sure which will be the best indicator for my Thruster. If no one else wants it, I'll pay the postage
  20. Time for an update. Although not wired or plumbed, my new instrument panel is ready for completion. I finally decided to go with the all red finish and to keep it warm, there's a nice new top-coat with a smart platted belt. The windscreen will fit around it and will be finished with a nice 'chrome' strip. So as not to smash my face into the panel in an emergency, I'm in the process of fitting a 4 point safety harness, (only AU$35 on Ebay. Brand new) Now, I've spoken about replacing the rotten skins with a resin impregnated Lycra. Having finally got the correct pressure foot and needle for my sewing machine, I decided to have a go on the skeg, that being the smallest part to 'cock-up'. As you can see, the Dacron is past it's best and certainly needs replacing. I removed the skin and after measuring it, I modeled it on SketchUp, and the scaled it down to allow for the stretch of the Lycra. This first effort was too small and I also realised that it would need to stretch more in one direction that other. This is the final size I came up with. Quite a bit smaller that the original and a hell of a lot cheaper than the replacement Dacron. My first purchase of Lycra was from Spotlight(for convenience) and a meter cost me about $35. I will source the bulk buy elsewhere at $10 per meter. Before things got 'sticky', I had decided to cover the tubes with grease-proof paper, just in case it has to come off again. My other half says it's too porous and won't work!!! Not a clear picture but the most difficult part was pinning it in place. Trying to inset small headed pins (they're going to stay embedded in the resin) whist the Lycra is trying to shrink back to it's original size. Another pair of hands might have been a bonus. Happy with the first fit, I proceeded to the first, thinned coat of resin. Mistake one, thinned it too much and found it difficult to get an even coating. Pressed on regardless, after all, it can/might come of again. Second coat hid some of the first coat errors So pressed on to the third and final coat. Doesn't look too bad. Brush strokes are evident but not unsightly. The final tension is almost the same as the Dacron, so I'm well pleased with the result. Managed to get it done in just over 6 hours(applying resin and letting coats dry slightly between coats. Fully dry in the 6hrs. Mi intention had been to add strips along the vertical tube to act as joint covers between the fin/skeg and rudder. A lightly 'resined' piece will bent very easily as the rudder is moved. However, I found that the Lycra roll on istself if no pinned in place so I'll make them separately and add them later. As usual, helpful comment are welcome gentlemen. Please don't criticize if you have nothing to base your criticism on. .
  21. Thanks Steve, will try during next week.
  22. refer post #4. Over and out.
  23. Whilst I agree with your sentiment, Onetrack, I put the video up to show the pilots skill, and that magnificent scenery. Drones will, unfortunately, get into the hands of the wrong people (and governments) from time to time, but they are a part of our would now and we have to used to living with them, however annoying and intrusive they might become.
  24. Only read this thread today so, being more interested in the flying abilities of the young lady and the gyro itself, here a a couple of observations. The gyro in a most stable aircraft. Did you notice that there was no bumping/bouncing to be seen except for on landing, and even then, it was hardly noticeable. Maybe it was/is because of her flying skills because she sure knows how to handle that big, still "stick" between her legs. Talking of which, did you notice that her note pad couldn't make up it's mind as to which leg it should be on? You're going to have another look, aren't you.
  25. Awesome control, enjoy. Master R/C Pilot Flies His Drone Underneath A Moving Train
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