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Everything posted by Deskpilot

  1. I find it hard to believe that a missile could be launched without the attack radar being up and running, and locked on to a target. At least, that's how it worked with AI23/B in E.E. Lightnings back in the day.
  2. Quite right. Safety pins are removed once the crew are strapped in. and replaced before they get out.
  3. Talking of grabbing the handle reminds me of an incident that happened during my RAF days. Can't for the life of me remember which station I was at but they had Javelin squadrons there and I worked in the electronics center servicing AI17 interception radar. One day, I was on duty crew and was required to see off a visiting Jav. As it was raining, the crew decided to get aboard in the overnight hangar the aircraft was in. All went well until it was time to tow it out onto the flight line. As the plane reached the door, the navigator reached up to close the hood to stay dry. Unfortunately, he put his hand up and through the seat ejection handle. Luckily, two of us saw what was about to happen and screamed at him to freeze.The Nav went white went he realized what he was about to do. I can't and don't want to imagine the mess we would have had to clean up if he had "closed the canopy"
  4. I'd like to see some American responses to H.M.'s proposals. Any links?
  5. Ah, now i've got ti thx
  6. thronomister ????????????????
  7. He wasn't the man as portrayed by Kennith Moore. I've met him and talked to pilots who flew with him. We all had the same opinion, an arrogant bastard by anyone's standard. No people skills at all.
  8. Didn't I respond to you on the English Microlight forum?
  9. Thanks BK. Not what I was thinking but interesting all the same.
  10. impregnated paper with resin , any more info on this?
  11. Guys, look closely at the drawing. There's a skid below the tail plane which will prevent prop strike. If you get to that point, you're going to be very near stall anyway so stay away from it. The plane is as safe as the pilot wants it to be.
  12. I have know idea but I'd like to know more. Obviously roadable but that engine intrigues me. A four cylinder radial or a new version of the Balandin X 4 cylinder engine. It appears that the engine rotates about its center as one set of blades look to be attached to the cylinder heads. Any ideas, anyone?
  13. A bit dyslexic this morning. Read that as a V12 coffee maker. Would make bloody strong coffee I reckon.
  14. Come on guys, check out the reg number, 24-4399 is an Evektor Sportstar.
  15. Thanks. Now to re-skin the tail feathers. Materials bought, just got to find the courage to do it.
  16. But Sketchup will save me, Long Live Sketchy, Sketchy for King!! ???
  17. What ever it is, it doesn't look right. That prop and cowl assembly look like a badly executed add on. Really quite ugly IMO.
  18. yep, missed that.
  19. Seaplane = Dornier Do X
  20. TP, care to explain yourself? You infer that you know better than Bex. You been there? Seen it? I get so annoyed sometimes.
  21. Another mile-stone achieved by fitting a new wind-screen.
  22. Yes, a great show from a little known place. I hope the videos worked for you. After the Mustang took off, I was expecting him to go round the facing hill and come back from the right at low level and full bore. At least, that's what I would have done. I didn't film any off the flying as I have a crap camera and a very stiff neck. Cheers
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