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Everything posted by Deskpilot

  1. OK, so I visited the Air-show, took some photos and made some videos. I've put them in some sort of order , not as I took them. Hopefully grouped more "subjectively" . You even get to see where my wife and I stayed for the week. Enjoy. Oh sound up for the videos. z001.AVI z01.AVI z010.AVI z011.AVI z02.AVI z03.AVI z04.AVI z05.AVI z06.AVI z07.AVI z09.AVI
  2. Am flying (commercial) up from Adelaide on Thursday and staying at Airlie Beach.
  3. High speed taxi test and rudder authority check completed. Soon to fly.
  4. Calling Dreyfus. I've sent you a couple of messages re your free ASI but have not received a reply yet. If the offer is still valid, please get in touch via private message.
  5. Simple answer is, of course it would......but not under RAA certification.
  6. Well you've certainly got your work cut out there. New skins on Order? I'm off on holiday soon but will start my re-skinning process when I get back. Just bought new screen material and hope to have that fitted before I go.
  7. Thanks guys, guess it's time for mr to start tap dancing.?
  8. "Single seater t85 with r503 is the best at doing this to you. " OH Shit. Just my luck.
  9. OK, I'll start the ball rolling. What is the main cause of ground looping?
  10. Thanks guys, I'll change to tach.
  11. Thanks for your replies, guys, but my question remain unanswered. Guess I'll have to go oversea ans see what the yanks think.
  12. I have an early 503 on my thruster but as yet, have not connected the tacho. Why, because there is no grey wire coming out of the engine. All diagrams say this wire is for the tacho. My question therefore is, how else can I get the correct impulses to operate said tacho?
  13. Amazing flying skills. Imagine if that existed full size, no pilot could survive the G forces.
  14. Welcome Wrongway61. It would be easier to answer your question if you posted some images of what you've got.
  15. Welcome back Jase. I'm in Morphett Vale and also did my training a Murray Bridge with James and the guys at RPA .
  16. Haha Clint, that's what I thought.
  17. OME, keep this old saying in mind: "A boat is a hole in the water into which you're continuously throwing money" Been there, done that
  18. Welcome Rob, It's never too late to learn. I was 64 and well past my 'mid life' date.
  19. TSR2 and the Canadian Avro Arrow. Two aircraft potentially better than anything the Yanks had at the time. Guess where the pressure came from to destroy both designs.
  20. What a bloody dangerous power set up. Lose one of your wing tip motors for any reason and yo're in a spin drier.
  21. What a horrible sound. Give me an ICE any day.
  22. Thanks guys. My thoughts so far: Drag reduction, no open gaps between any flying surfaces and a very smooth and shiny epoxy resin impregnated faux silk skin to replace the coarse Dacron finish. Better lift, new foam ribs with lower shape to replace the top only alli ribs. The skin can adhere to convex or concave shape so profile change is possible. Leading edge will be internally supported to eliminate scallops. Kasper, the plane was originally grounded due to perished Dacron so no need to sew anything. I believe my plan will work out a hell of a lot cheaper than new skins($2-3K) My wings will also be of the folding type so that towing and rigging is a one man operation. So back to the original question, a new profile without changing the width (spar to spar)? Would a slightly convex bottom be of help? BTW, it's 10- category.
  23. Weird maybe, but I enjoyed it. Their lip-sink was pretty awesome.
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