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Everything posted by Deskpilot

  1. I'm soon to start restoring my Thruster wings and as I'm putting in new ribs, I wonder if any of you can suggest a new or improved aerofoil profile? I'm not after supper fast or angelic climb, just a better weight lift if anything. Cheers in advance.
  2. What a marvelous site. Such beautiful photos and videos. Downunder, wheel hit rocks hidden in the snow bank. Follow the instructions and visit the site.
  3. Nice one Baz but where will all this work get you and where will it finish up?
  4. Just Jane has been fully restored and is taxi-able. She evens tales on passengers for a ride. Not sure when, but she is to be fully air-worthy soon, at, that's the intention.
  5. USA only as far as I can see.
  6. "Bloke" ??? His name is Neil
  7. Home built Ugly Duckling
  8. Did the cowlings come of or were they taken off?
  9. Wot,no Thruster!!
  10. Very much depends on the surface profile, flat, curved bi-curved. Vinyls can only be applied to a flat or single curved surface. They woulds crinkle if applied to bi-curved. Professional seem to mask off parts and spray them individually.
  11. BK, now that's a beautiful design. I once had the wish to build a Sunny Box-wing but found that the original safe design had been taken over by a new developer and had been made unsafe(according to the original designer). I think you should seriously consider building your plane as IMO, it's a winner. IF you were to decide to add contra-rotating props, how would you do it? Just asking.
  12. Ha Ha, I'm so pleased, and surprised, that this design of mine keeps getting resurrected. I have to admit that I haven't done anything (had to read the whole thread to re-acquaint myself) with it for a long time due to my wife's health, and mine. Had a mini stroke a month ago. All's well though, no lasting effects except for the fear of another, more dangerous one. I am still trying to complete my Thruster restoration albeit VERY slowly due to lack of funds. (penny-less pensioner) So, Blackhawk, Tell me more about your view on this design,. Rotax, "the secret to success in aircraft design is finding what you can eliminate" Really, I think you should take up ballooning. The success of aircraft design is in creating something that meets ones needs for a given objective. ie, for me, something totally different to the usual clone of clones of clones. something that challenges usual standards, something that might leave my mark in aviation history. If that means making something a little heavier than usual, so be it. Now, what's your contribution to aviation? To other readers, sorry for the rant. I'm still interested in having a discussion even though I'm not building. A few of you have asked about specifics like flight characteristics and detailed design specs, well I'm not into math's at my age so basically, the answer is I don't know. Obviously, if I was going to take it further, I'd have to have that done by some-one in the know. Have you seen this other tread on my design, www.recreationalflying.com/topic/25072-my-latest-want-to-build/ Just found these images of some-one elses take on the idea.
  13. This is indeed a mystery aircraft. Check out this link from USA where the same questions are being asked. http://www.homebuiltairplanes.com/forums/showthread.php?t=31225
  14. Very interesting. Thanks for posting.
  15. Welcome Bill. That's a beautiful plane you have. Looks like no safety harness though? If si, must be hard staying on your own half of the seat in turbulence.
  16. OK so now the question becomes, which batten do you need, mains or the smaller tip batten? Might be able to measure mine and printout a graph for you.
  17. You must have a much later Thruster than mine as I'm only aware of the tubular type
  18. ER, I think we in the south beat you to it, and we have the space already for a launch site. It's called Woomera. www.abc.net.au/news/2018-12-11/australian-space-agency-to-be-based-in-adelaide/10608202
  19. Deteriorated or not, let's see them, if they plat that is. As to Deskpilot, I was 15 years RAF ground support and obtained my RA cert. at age 64, a 'now or never' venture. Cert is now lapsed due to the rising cost of Hire and fly so am now restoring the Thruster. It's coming along, albeit slowly.
  20. Do you have any on board videos. I hope to have my restored T84 flying late this year and would love to know what to expect. In the meantime, I can only imagine. Cheers, Doug
  21. quote. It seemed to rely on the curvature of the Earth to get any rate at all , particularly on a hot day . I've only flown the LSA which climbs like an angle. Your comment is brilliant in it's description and very funny.
  22. Quote "Personally, I don't think there's intelligent life on other planets. Why should other planets be any different from this one?" end quote. Because they've had millions of years to discover what 'intelligence' really is, and we're only an experiment they're playing with.
  23. It'd be easier to just make a special reverse drive gearbox, Wouldn't it?
  24. Do you have any on-board videos to share?
  25. What a beautiful Thruster Kermit. Can't wait for mine to be finished so that I too can enjoy it in the air.
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