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Everything posted by Deskpilot

  1. Can be painful can't it mate. Another lesson learnt though. cheers
  2. OK, diaphragm is sound so I gave it another try. After pouring some fuel into the front cylinder, replaced the plug and 'gently' pulled it through a couple of time, a more strenuous pull resulted in the pull cord being ripped out of my hand when the engine back-fired. Found a gardening clove and tried again. Engine roars into life. Reset the slow running and mixture.My wife comes into garage and is talking to me, can't hear a bloody thing she's saying. Rotax exhaust appears to be useless. Garage now filling with smoke so time to pull the plug leads off. Wife tells me to put in some earplugs........a bit late pet. Thing is, do I now dare mount it on the plane? Nah, a few more test runs I think. Can't find my earplugs so it'll have to wait till tomorrow.
  3. New update. Putting aside my frustration with the 503, I took a wing structure off the back wall of my garage with a view to furthering my plan to create a folding wing assembly. Didn't get too far but did discover it's a T83 with the 29ft wing-span and not the 25ft T84. With a serial number of 1016 inside the wing covers, that makes it the 16th build of the 46 completed. Useful bit of knowledge but, anyone have an image, or can draw a sketch as to where the tension wires go. I've worked most out but there's one on the rear spar going in towards the fuselage similar to the forward one(external to the skin) but this lug points up as if to go to a king post!!!! the lug may have been rotated during the fold process so I'm not sure. I thought it might go diagonally across to the wing to the opposite spar mounting bolt but the wire seems too short for that(only by a centimeter) TIA.
  4. Yes and no mate. Yes it will go on the T84? on the trailer. Yes I got it going twice but only for a short time. I've checked the carbie and all seems well. My next check will be the pump as I'm not certain that it's working. My filter is between the pump and the carb' and whilst I can prime so that fuel fills the filter, it seems to run dry. Possibly a perforated/dis-integrating diaphragm(the reason why I put the filter there). Another, and probably the biggest problem is that it seems to have extremely high compression and I find it hard to pull it through with any force. 'Course, it could be that I'm just bloody weak.
  5. No worries rgmwa
  6. It will be interesting to know what she was doing so low over a town/city that she couldn't get to the outskirts a a possible field in which to land. Sure, she might have been taking off and was totally legal in her flight path. Bloody good job to miss wires more than cars.
  7. Thanks for your replies guys. Guess I'll have to look further afield.
  8. My local supplier goes from 1mm to 3mm and that's way too thick. As for weight, I've already added so much I'm beginning to wonder if I'll actually get of the ground. Mind you, I had to put another hole in my belt last week. Not saying I'm loosing weight, it's just shifted some-where else.
  9. I need to replace the wind-screen of my Thruster which is 1.5mm polycabonte sheet. Trouble is, I can only get 1.0mm locally. Will this be strong enough? Being formed into a continuous curve, I think it might be but would like a more experienced opinion if any-one is up to it. Thanks in advance, DP.
  10. Personally, I'd choose a Hurricane over a Spitfire any time. Shot down more enemy planes being a more stable platform, took battle damage better and was probably easier to fly. If I had the money, I'd buy one of these www.pilotmix.com/hawker-hurricane-mkii-replica#videos rather than one of these www.youtube.com/watch?v=uv-SzK3FaY4
  11. For a moment I thought it might be mine, but not so. Sorry, can't help you.
  12. I was thinking more on the lines of why move the aircraft (minus it's engines but otherwise complete) in the first place.
  13. Can anyone tell me where I can purchase blue foam in the Adelaide area? Preferably in the southern suburbs and beyond. TIA
  14. What's the story behind this. Anyone know?
  15. Thanks for the info mate.
  16. Answers. Yes, I slept well. No it didn't run again. After a backfire that ripped the pull cord painfully from my hand, I thought perhaps I had the ignition too far advanced so I re-timed it to a slightly later firing point. Still no luck. I'm wondering now, why is it so hard to pull over. I seem to have extremely high compression in both cylinders (gut feel only). It turns quite easily with the plugs out. Also, I have to pull the cord a long way out to get it spinning. There seem to be about a foot of cord pull before the motor turns over and then it comes out another 2 feet or so. Is this normal?. Suggestions please.
  17. Writing this whilst waiting for my heart to slow down Been struggling to get my 503 started after a full strip down and rebuild. Had a good spark, cleaned the carbie, adjusted the timing and all that but I couldn't get a pop out of it. Late this evening I thought I'd try something else. I pored fuel into the cylinders And pulled it through. Nothing. Rechecked the spark, OK, pulled it through on one cylinder, nothing. Replaced plug pulled it again and it roared into life at about 300 revs. Scared the sh*t out of me. I closed the throttle to a more sedate rate and shorted the 2 wires that I thought were the kill switch connection and it kept running. Resorted top pulling off the plug leads and when all was quiet, except my heart pounding in my ears, I came in and called it a night. WOW, I so did not expect ti to start. First time in over 5 years when it was last ground run. Now the questions are, 1, will I sleep tonight, and 2, will it run again tomorrow. Time will tell and I'll let you know.
  18. Nice one, but what aircraft is the shadow supposed to be? Twin jets, twin fuel tanks are reminiscent of a Canberra but it's definitely not that.
  19. Not an air to ground shot but whilst we're mixing older aircraft with known locations...................
  20. Crush plate arrived safely and is the right one. Many thanks Bob. Can't do any work at the moment due to pulling a back muscle by reaching and lifting muffler with one hand. Should have learnt by now not to reach....and lift.
  21. Welcome Diego, can't help you with your request but had to laugh at the fact you're sailing around the world in a sailing boat. The only other way to do it would be in a glider I guess and to do it would be quite a feat to achieve. Good luck with your quest.
  22. Yep, noisy for sure and not very fast either.
  23. I doubt we'll ever be able to do this but it's very tempting to forget the rules. Enjoy.
  24. Danny, don't worry about the strength of a 3D printed housing. That plastis they use is the same a Leggo use. Believe me, it's bl**dy tough stuff. My tank mounts ar 3D printed.
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