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Everything posted by Deskpilot

  1. Thank-you young man. I'm really appreciative.
  2. One Snark made it to Australia. Anyone know where it is now? I love the design. Deserved to do better than it did.
  3. I'm with you Bex. Easy was to be safe.
  4. G'day Mike. First of all, welcome to the forum and the world of aviation. Before you get ahead of yourself, take that TIF. Doesn't matter what type of aircraft, the smaller the better. Why? because it's not at all like flying in a commercial tin can and you might not like it, although I doubt it. Your nearest airfield for that would be Aldinga. Check out Adelaide Biplanes: Adelaide Biplanes - Home. Further afield is Murray Bridge which has 2 flight schools and a beautiful and safe training area.(whilst learning it's nice to have a load of flat paddocks to land in if an emergency happens). I can recommend www.rpa.net.au as I learnt there. Talk to James Hubbard, owner and CFI. Different schools offer different aircraft and of course, different prices. Do your research in that area. I'm guessing, but, say you're a slow learner, you will get your RAA certificate for about $10000. For GA license, it will cost almost double. I might be a bit out, but these days, it ain't cheap. Make sure you understand the differences between to two categories. Taking the cheaper option (RAA) first, and converting to GA later, as and when money is available is another option open to you. Which ever way you choose to go, enjoy, have fun, and stay safe. Doug
  5. Most impressive Bex. Certainly proves that not everything made in China is rubbish. Thanks for posting the videos.
  6. No one? I think the engine may be a very early one and have a 377 magneto as that didn't have the grey wire. Possible?
  7. OK my friends. Another question. My engine is now fully back together, mechanically speaking , and it's time to sort the electrics. Unfortunately, the wiring harnesses were cut to pieces by some-one so I have to figure out what connects to what. Google, usually my best friend, doesn't help. So, can you help. First image shows the leads coming out of the magneto. Colours are from top down, green with black stripe, yellow with black stripe, plain green, plain yellow There should be, according to google, a grey wire for the tacho. Top left are the leads from the ignition coil? set bottom left, under the blue wires. Clearer view. Where do the remaining leads go? Am I missing some parts? Out of interest this is how it's looking. Will be changing plugs leads with Red cables and heads . Thanks for any help you can offer.
  8. See P.M. Bob, Thanks JG3 for your confirmation.
  9. Thanks Bob, will confirm via pm later today.
  10. It was predetermined that those 11 people would die even before their births. A bit way out there for many of you, but we're all here for a special purpose. This tragic event might have been for the pilot to learn some-thing from his present incarnation.
  11. Thanks Meth, that confirms a type 'A' with a spacer plate.
  12. Thanks mate. The Thruster, not having a 'main spar' becomes a bit more difficult. I will have to maintain the front and rear spar locking points and disconnect the struts at their lower end. I like your idea of a remote pin-pull but don't think I can incorporate it in my system.
  13. Got to ask, Why the hell was it left out in the open. Just asking for trouble.
  14. Meth my man, not so sure about your statement. Mainly as there's no clutch involved.
  15. Blimey, bounce that too hard and the wheel bay doors will leave furrows in the runway.
  16. Haha, too true Butch. I was hoping somone would confirm what type of gearbox I have. Please
  17. MESSED UP!!!, I didn't mess up, I had a slight brain fade. It'll happen to you when you reach my age(76) Not having a go but there's no way I'm pulling it apart again. It's all there somewhere, just got to get it into the right order.
  18. I've know idea but I want info on those leading edges as I'm planning the same for my Thruster mods. Alternative V.G.'s if you're wondering. SketchUp model.
  19. Thanks guys. My next problem soon raised it's ugly head, refitting the gearbox with the few studs I have left over. Don't think I've lost any of them but there's more holes than studs. I looked up views of an exploded engine and got totally confused as to what type of gearbox I have. I initially thought it was a type B but then changed my mind to a type A with an adapter plate. ????????? Engine as found. I'll play with it again today after I remove the recoil starter assembly. I found the magneto securing nut and washer still on my bench last evening. Ya know, I always thought I was a careful planner and orderly in stripping engines (I've done quite a few early types when home maintenance was possible) but this is my first 2 stroke. Simple....yes, but I'm confused by that simplicity.
  20. Riley, just found out that I have a type A gearbox with adapter plate, not type B I hope the crush plates are the same. Cheers.
  21. Please ignore my last post. I'm going mad. After taking a break I went and had another look. It's right after all Thank God. Maybe I got out the wrong side of the bed this morning.
  22. Can I swear and swear and swear? No? Damn it. In my post #11, I said I'm not going to take it apart again. Well,whilst re-mounting the engine on it's base plate this morning, I suddenly realized that I'd mounted the cylinders and heads back to front. ie, carburetor on the starboard side, exhaust on on port. How I came to do it I've know idea as I had marked the parts when I took them off. FWIW, it went together no problem.
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