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Everything posted by markendee

  1. Yep, ripper aeroplane.
  2. How good is this Pete? Your photo gets two runs on the forum. You must have a good agent. Mark D
  3. John, Great pictures and story - thanks. For everyone else, check out John's website for more pictures and stories of his travels. Mark D
  4. Hope you are not having engine trouble Pete.
  5. Sounds like an SBS production
  6. Good to see you here Fitzy. Apparently the Savannah is a good plane for Tonny dairy farmers (and their mates) Looking forward to landing on your new strip too. Mark
  7. Recreational Flying, Who owns Locksley? Do they encourage visitors? We are just north of there and it sounds like a nice place to drop into. Another Mark
  8. VG=Very Good
  9. Thanks to all
  10. Poor Lanfranco Baldetti. The boys inside may point something at him.
  11. Because of increased angle of attack
  12. Thanks but there's more. Thanks very much Mike and Ross - excellent answer, makes perfect sense. While I'm asking, is there a best spot for the vent? eg front or rear of the cabin, high or low on the aircraft? Mark
  13. Can some one please explain why the static vent is placed on the outside of an unpressurised aircraft? Why couldn't the instrument's static port just be open to cabin pressure? Have attempted to find out using the net but cannot find the information I require. Would rather not drill holes if I do not have to. Regards and thanks, Mark
  14. In my experience if membership was voluntary there would be so few financial members that we would not enjoy the benefits of such a well run organisation. I feel that $160.00 is very reasonable and we receive a lot for that. Don't get me wrong but I am glad membership is not voluntary.
  15. Best check with a dealer but I was under the impression slats were now unavailable. Stand to be corrected.
  16. The 100 has the advantage of quicker lift off. We have flown 80 and 100hp Savvies side by side and the difference in cruise is minimal. The 80 runs well on unleaded fuel, uses less fuel and seems to have less problems. 9:1 is a lot less stress than 10.5:1 As a paddock basher there could well come the time that being able to burn unleaded is a big advantage - thinking of availability. Recreational flying is fun and affordable. The eighty makes it even more so. I remember super charged vehicles that had to run premium unleaded. Couldn't give them away. The eighty is a nice engine.
  17. Howdy Bill, Have a squizz at the Savannah builders forum a bit further down. Mark
  18. markendee


    Aircraft I learned in had a park brake. I would put it on by habit and then have to reach in to take it off to move the plane. Eventually twigged not to use it at all. The chocks are the best idea. Cannot imagine accidentally landing with the chocks on. One less downwind check. Still say it to myself though.
  19. It was an excellent event. Unfortunately I took someone who was not interested in Aeroplanes - good move or what? Meant I had to leave early. Only managed one seminar - on power lines. Was well attended and well received. Caught up with Big Pete and Little Pete. (Hope the little bloke is OK after his fall) Chatted with Ian and was nice to catch up with him, sorry could not take up the kind offer of H C B's. Found lots of familiar faces, didn't realise I had made so many friends in the short time I have been involved in flying. Couldn't imagine a better spot for a fly in. The facilities were great. Looking forward to next year. Mark
  20. Not an excuse but I was pre booked so could not attend. That said - what is the story with booking a stand and not fronting? To the organizers - did you collect deposits (or hopefully the whole fee?) What does it take in this day and age to have people honour their commitments? I am not singling out the flying community here but it seems that people now take great liberties with their word, their reputation and their honour. Something that rarely happened in the past. This is becoming the norm and it is not good enough. Take a look at the sign on the gate people. It says Australia, lets all act proudly and honour our commitments. Mark
  21. east Meg Ryan
  22. How good is that! Can we find the ratio between student pilots and pilots? eg No. of pilot certificates divided by student pilot certificates. This will tell us how many drop away. I believe that Recreational flying is the next big thing and it is a lot of fun promoting it.
  23. Thanks to all for the advice. I was leaning towards Icom with the flip flop switch. At the business end of the project now and am having trouble justifying spending more than absolutely necessary. (the drought is not helping here) A mate suggested a vertex handheld as his does a good job. Another mate said the Icom handheld has a flip flop switch. Had a look on the net and yes one model does. Geoff has just warned me off the Icom. Has anyone else had experiences good or bad with handhelds? Thanks, Mark
  24. Well done L.R, how many people have achieved what you have? Great effort - very special!
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