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Everything posted by markendee

  1. Lag the idiot in.
  2. Isn't this a hot bed? I really do not want to argue as it never changes anyone's mind. No one wins. All I will say is this, my whole nav ex's were based on forecast winds (winds at height based on who knows what?) Flying by GPS is relative to actual conditions. Mark
  3. To be on the exact same track both aircraft would have to have started out from the same place. And both would have had to be flown on the arrow with the same accuracy. Also one tends to ignore the arrow once the airfield is in sight. I can see why you asked the question but probably not a huge worry in my opinion. I do believe a GPS saves fuel by less time wandering off course so that could equate to less incidences due to no fuel. Also maybe less lost aircraft. On the whole more advantages than disadvantages I would think.
  4. Thanks Geoff and Ralph.
  5. Looking forward to your photos Martin.
  6. As a novice I did disagree with a few points but it made me think about them all the same - a good thing. As a whole a good read and ponder. Mark
  7. Darren, They would be flattered that you think they can read.
  8. Big Pete, Thanks very much. I would like to think somewhere between 4 - 8 weeks depending on fitting it in around work. Starting to see the light at the end of the tunnel now. Looking forward to showing you in person at Echuca. Regards, Mark
  9. Well done Left Rudder, Congratulations on the maiden flight and the very classy photographs. You must be a good plane builder and an excellent photographer! The Savvy looks tremendous! Mark
  10. Welcome Left Rudder. Better than Left behind! Good to see you here, Mark
  11. Carl, Howdy doody. Time to get back into it. Mark
  12. Looking for advice. The time has arrived to make a decision. What do the forum members feel is the best radio to buy for the Savvy? (and of course why) I have a severe dislike of inaudible radio calls and do not want to contribute to them. All advice appreciated and considered. Mark
  13. Well done old son. Don't laugh but if you have the rock floor higher than the surrounding ground put down second hand carpet over the lot. Sounds weird but it works. Mark
  14. Captain, I hope you gave it to your friends for tarring the lot of us with the same brush! I live near the Murray and have seen some mind shattering antics from a minority of idiot skiers but I do not for one second think that your friends behave this way. Or for that matter what cowboys all skiers must be. I really do hope you filled them in. Really. Mark
  15. Custard Savvy Some photos of the little plane post painting. Good friend who lives four hours away came up to do the job. Friday night we knocked off at 2am, Saturday night 1am. I had a go but there is no substitute for serving an apprenticeship! Paint is two pack and came up a treat. Went for a colour that can be seen in the air and against the ground. Had help also from two other flying mates. Thanks to all the boys. Mark
  16. Many thanks to all, see you there. Mark
  17. Could someone who has done it please explain the camping set up at Narromine please. We are thinking of driving and bringing our camping gear. Have not been able to find too much information on sites, showers etc. Is it necessary to book a site? If you have camped was it was it a good experience? Mark
  18. Since Ian was good enough to provide a spot for us I thought I would put up an 'under construction' photo of our Savannah. Will post another post paint, hopefully after this weekend. How about those with an interest in a Savvy post a picture of their plane?
  19. Is there enough Savannah owners, flyers, builders and those with an interest in the little planes here to ask Ian for our own section? If so would it be a good idea to include 701 owners too? EG 701/Savannah I would like to see it get up. Mark
  20. markendee

    Savannah owners

    I have an 80 to fit into our Savannah. The unleaded fuel is the reason for this choice. Speed is nice but if it was a deciding factor I would not be building a Savvy in the first place. I liken it to a trail bike versus a road bike. With one I want to explore new places and take a good look, while the other is adrenaline and bitumen. Imagine being miles from anywhere and having the choice of ULP, PULP or Avgas - makes sense to me. Also 9:1 makes for a more solid option than 10.5:1 in my experience.
  21. Hi all, Is there anyone out there making after market fibreglass wing tips for Savannah VG wings? My kit came with plastic tips which are to say the least very ordinary. Rang Outback but none in stock. Paint going on this weekend, would love to have wings finished. Thanks for any help. Regards, Mark
  22. Shafs, Brent is correct. It is a Storch and it belongs to Caz Monteleone. Was lucky enough to fly in it just before Christmas. It is a 100kt STOL aircraft and very nicely put together. Give Caz a call if you are interested in knowing more. 0404 897 452 will find him. Regards, Mark
  23. Thanks to all who voted and extra thanks to those who posted. I just found out today that Steve McQueen was a private pilot. He bought a Stearman biplane and trained in it in 1979. It was sold after his death along with his bike and car collection. Another bike person who flew. I am wondering if an ultralight is the motorcycle for the fifty(ish)
  24. This is in relation to an observation of mine. I have noticed a direct relationship between flyers and motorcyclists. As a youngster riding bikes I was often accused of being mad to do what I did. Now I am being accused of being mad for doing what we do. A lot of the people involved in Flying seem to be bike people at least in their past. Do you think there maybe something in this?
  25. How did you guys go in the flying comp? I sure hope that Big Pete stayed objective and didn't lean towards forum buddies. I have known BP a long time and I can honestly say he is a mistro with an instrument in his hands. In fact I have seen him make things sing! Who won the comp?
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