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Everything posted by markendee

  1. Cool as can be Robert!
  2. Easy fixed Peter, We will go up in the Savvy and then have that drink! If you liked Tomo's Jabby you will love the Savvy. Mark
  3. Good on you Tomo. Great photos mate.
  4. Considering I have been reading our CEO wages have been upped by 20K I'm now sitting here stunned by how much CASA inspectors are paid. Please tell us Ian as you sound like you know. Mark D (shell shocked)
  5. Why the devil is "big money" the only draw to a job such as this? The Prime Minister is paid heaps less than those in private business but does it because that is what he wants to do. Junior football coaches, scout leaders, school councillors all put their efforts in for nothing - just the satisfaction of putting something back into their community. Of course this position should be paid but why the "big big money" (to quote Alex DeLarge) The love of money is the problem to the answer. I do not want our organisation to become a mini CASA and I sense it coming. Mark D
  6. Would love to Rob as we fly from Tongala to LV regularly - lots of great mates there. A pearler of a flight over the Divide. But..............have family commitments elsewhere I'm afraid. (Tooradin - so not far from LV but no Savvy just a Toyota) Perhaps you could let us know your movements closer to the date and you could land at our strip and we could give you a quick fly in my Savvy - only too pleased to do so if the timing worked out. Keep in touch. Mark D
  7. Tomo, You may be a young enthusiast but you cannot hold your drink! We spent hours together on Saturday night - surely you remember? Mark D Joking mate - I don't know how I missed you but will make sure I meet you next fly in where ever we are.
  8. Did not put this in trip reports as I don't want to discuss my trip so much as the great treatment we received from the Temora and the RAA communities. The Temora Aeroclub should be very proud of their members. Dangerous to single out individuals I know but Joan, Paul and Carol went over and above (as did many others) What a beaut bunch. I joined the club and will continue my membership into the future. The friendly and helpful RAA staff were a joy to meet as always. Peter - what a good scout. Drove his ute in and out of town ferrying we mogas users and all with a big smile - I am looking forward to buying you that drink mate. I wise man once told me you cannot have too many friends and we made a lot of new good ones this Easter. Congrats and thanks. Mark D
  9. Tomo, Do you know if the Museum is going to fly any of their aircraft over Easter? A few people have asked me and while I imagine not it would be a buzz. Mark D
  10. Maxi bummer John! You'll be missed. Mark
  11. Glad to hear all are OK. Sounds a bit 'interesting' though. (BTW Going to Natfly JG?) Mark
  12. markendee

    New CEO

    Is this a fact? Not hearing too much considering it is a pretty big and costly deal. Someone must know. Mark D
  13. markendee

    Bungee Cords

    Thanks John, As always you are a fountain of knowledge and ready to spread the word to help your mates. Will be checking 5386 out this weekend. See you at Temora. Mark
  14. To all you 912 people out there. We have always used genuine Rotax oil filters but would like to know if anyone out there has used Ryco instead? Easier to buy etc. I have never had a problem with a Ryco and have used them all my life on everthing I own (except my 912) What do you guys say? Mark D
  15. For those up on the finer points of air leg. and airmanship. We have used a channel within our local flying community which is not the numbers. We found the numbers too busy so went to another frequency. On two occasions we have been admonished by an instructor who also uses this frequency and indeed this morning he said "get off my chat channel" (8.00am Sunday) Can someone have their own personal chat channel? If not I am tipping words need to be exchanged. If so I guess we will have to abide the rules. Thanks for any knowledge on this. Mark
  16. Colossal Pierre, You should know better than pinching tubes or anything else for that matter. Crime does not pay. Mark Tomo - you may be a young enthusiast but you have a great mind!
  17. Full marks to the chap (John) who has put his floats up for sale in the last three hundred editions of the RAA magazine. I'm ashamed to say I would have given up around the 269 mark. Can anyone top this effort for persistence? Good luck John!
  18. Mick, Hmmmmmmm. Sounds to me like you will never be very good at this - give it away now would be my advice. Just joshing - the improvement comes in fits and starts with the odd backslide. If it wasn't difficult it would not be anywhere as near as much fun. Keep us posted Mick. Mark
  19. Now you've gone and hurt my feelings Ross! Surely you meant it's a little bit better title?
  20. Crazy Diamond, The whole situation is subjective I think. What does an old Warrior cost to replace compared to a new XT? I had a recent experience with a GA pilot who had just restored an Airtourer. (which I like so don't go crook!) He asked me what my Savvy owed me and when I told him he looked amazed and said "you could have had an Airtourer for that" To which I replied "two Airtourers" It's horses for courses. I try to keep my opinions on what others do and think (because I don't care what they do) to myself but it isn't always easy. I think RAA is the way to go but that does not mean you have to. Affordable and justifiable flying, lower maintenance costs etc. etc. Hope that helps somehow. Mark D
  21. Epic Pietro, Tomorrow is good. Had the exact same problem with the original tyres on GR's Savvy when he decided to replace them with Tundra tyres. He (as you know) is pretty resourceful and tried every which way and then some to get them off. When he finally gave up and listened to his little mate we took them off at the shop. A mate of ours has a machine shop here and while they are devoid of rubber perhaps you could take CB's advice and have a "little bit" machined off them. A tick in every box! Mark
  22. Or .................... you could take the wheels to your mate just east of you and use the bead breaker on the tyre changer at his motorbike shop.
  23. Large Pedro, That is little boys and girls! Mark D
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