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Everything posted by markendee

  1. Did you read Cessna claims it saves $71,000.00 PER aircraft by building them in China? "On 27 November 2007, Cessna announced the new Cessna 162 would be made in the People's Republic of China by Shenyang Aircraft Corporation, which is a subsidiary of China Aviation Industry Corporation I (AVIC I), a Chinese government-owned consortium of aircraft manufacturers.[10] By manufacturing the aircraft in China, Cessna reports it saved USD$71,000 in production costs per aircraft, or about 40% of the cost." I wonder if they have 'Workchoices' in China?
  2. Way of the future I have kept all my flying records electronically from the start of my training till now and will always do so. Shags, is your program a spread sheet or a data base? If the latter it can do beaut things like specific reports on all flying for the last x months, the average fuel burn for the last x fills etc etc. All my data is backed up each day and a full copy is kept on a monster hard drive for every day and each month a burned copy is stored off site. This is primarily my work data but my flying stuff goes along for the ride. (Our I.T. man is paranoid about losing data!) I have heard of log books being lost, burned and soaked in floods. I think Maj. Millard expressed his feeling re lost log books recently. I think this is the way of the future, and if it is not legal now it will be in the not to distant. Mark D
  3. Spin, Doesn't seem a problem. Do you suggest this is not good practice? I am pretty paranoid re starting a dry engine. I love to know the oil pump is bringing something to the party before she fires. Perhaps you know something I don't and I should. All ears. Mark.
  4. Test completed. Time for an update. My Savannah has now 142.8hrs up and completed 352 take off and landings in 16 1/2 months. I always crank the engine until oil pressure begins to rise (about 6 or 7 seconds for 2 bar) before flipping the switches. The Li PO4 battery is a pearler! Totally recommend it. (Of course the 20AH version) Only thing left to test is longevity. Still performing like new! Mark D
  5. I thought this thread would have had a few replies by now. With the ever present threat of leaded fuel being withdrawn from sale and after researching octane boosting additives, only MXO-AV came up as officially okey dokeyed by the aviation authorities. (that we could find) Has anyone else out there used it and if so how did it perform? Or has anyone used another product they are happy with? Mark D
  6. Fantastic John! Great photo and great tradition. Keep it up!
  7. markendee

    New Plane

    Congratulations Milton.
  8. How good is that! This is what the whole thing is about. Mark
  9. Yes JG, bad information is worse than no information. I would like some accountability re the reporting of this incident. Mark D
  10. Great photos Ross, see you at Natfly. Mark
  11. Well done Peter and Danny! A supreme effort that not too many ever experience. Hope you have a ball with your baby for lots of years to come. Mark
  12. Steve, Where is Tandra? We fly out of the mates farm in Tonny. Mark
  13. markendee

    New Plane

    Howdy Ron, We were a little suspect re the extension from the off. How does the extra leverage/stress affect the gearbox? Is the modified one redesigned to minimise this? If so it's well worth the wait I think. Glad to hear you are so far along. Looking forward to checking your new XL out at Temora next Easter. Things pretty good over here. Give us a yell if you want to fly over in your pride and joy. Murray Bridge to Echuca is three and a half hours at 80 knots. EAC has a Sunday lunch from time to time, would be a good day out now that daylight saving is here again. Regards, Mark
  14. Maj, Regarding the wrinkled lower wing skins. ICP have upgraded the kit since Ian's first kit and now include stiffeners running along the whole of the bottom skin. It has made a huge difference to the oil canning and the appearance from the cabin. Sometimes the simplest solution is the best. Mark
  15. markendee

    New Plane

    Where are you up to now Ron? Regards, Mark
  16. Fellas, Fellas, Fellas, This started as a nice tribute to the wonderful little Savvy and has instead become a tribute to galvanic action. The Savannah is safe, robust, fun to fly, easy to build, cheap to build and fly and dare I say very good looking. Repeat good looking. I think so anyway. Loved your report Maj and totally agree the seats are our Achilles Heel. Mark
  17. Ross, Made it home in 2.1 hrs. Beat last light by twenty odd minutes. I reckon the wind was pretty neutral at four and a half. How was your trip/s? (Cheetah and car) The Cheetah is a pretty prominent calling card. I remember a bloke eating bacon and eggs off the wing once. Mark
  18. Good on you Ross. Great photos. Was great to meet you and spend time watching the great displays with you. The Temora people made us welcome and their hospitality was above and beyond. For those who haven't you must. Mark
  19. Nice report Kelvin, Have you sent it into the RAA magazine? If not you should I think. Mark D
  20. OK Boys and Girls, I do not own either, and have not flown a Tecnam or in a Tecnam. I learned to fly in a Jabiru and I have built and own a Savannah. I love the fact that at least one Australian manufacturer is producing a successful product. (as is Gippsland Aeronautics but their products are out of our reach and aimed at a different market) I love the Rotax for lots and lots of reasons - enough said. If I wanted an airport plane (as opposed to a stol a/c) it would have to be the Aussie product at approximately half the price. The difference is a lot of money in what is basically a hobby. I cannot see the value in the imported product compared to looking after our own in the Jabiru. Hope this is an taken as an uncompromised view. Even if not well informed. Mark D
  21. Howdy Stephen.
  22. I did and it was a beaut day. Vampire, Mustang, Aerobatic displays, Roulettes, water bombing plus a lot more. Great day for 10 bucks! Who else was there? Mark
  23. John, Great photos and story as usual. Enjoy the rest of the trip. Mark D
  24. Thanks John and Brent - that helps a lot. Brent, what is your fuel burn at cruise? Is it similar to John's? Regards, Mark D
  25. markendee

    230 Figures?

    A mate is considering buying a factory built Jabby. He is leaning towards a 120 but we who use farm strips are suggesting a big wing such as 230 (or obviously a 170.) I also like the idea of a 3300 (extra couple of cylinders) For those who have flown/owned a 230, what is the comfortable cruise airspeed and the fuel burn at that speed? Thanks, Mark
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