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TAA Matt

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Everything posted by TAA Matt

  1. I saw that ages ago Dan, if i had of known you hadn't seen it i would of gave you the link. If you want to watch Chopper's skits just type in 'Chopper Reid' into You Tube....they're all there.
  2. Re: thanks matt/glen I think i speak on behalf of everyone when i say that would be fantastic George!
  3. Welcome George, Im sure you will feel very welcome here at TheAussieAviator.Net. If there are any questions at all please do not heistate to ask.
  4. Glenn, Did you realise your post was posted at 7.47?
  5. :roll: Oh no, just what we need. Robbo thinking hes all important. On another note, welcome to the board mate.
  6. Yes, Tony is right. Spotting from inside the terminal is absolutely pointless, as you cant even get near the glass, i dont really know how to explain it, but the walkway where you walk wont allow you near the glass. If you find a good spot for spotting, you would be able to get some fantastic shots if you are lucky enough to get one with both runways being used. The best airport I would have to say for spotting inside the terminal would have to be Honolulu International, as alot of the airport is open - no glass, nothing. I remember going into a Duty free shop then turning around because i heard such a loud noise, it was a JAL 747 taking off :lol:
  7. http://cgi.ebay.com.au/MILE-HIGH-CLUB-F ... dZViewItem
  8. Sorry, its a bit hard to read. Ill type out the actual task Choose a new technology or scientific development from the last 50 years that you feel has made a significant impact on science and society. Coduct a second hand investigation to find out as much as you can about the technology or scientific development you have chosen. Your report will need to: 1. Identify the technology and state when it first became available. 2. Describe the chosen technology and how it works. 3. Evaluate the effect your chosen technology has on society showing both positive and negetive impacts. 5. Present your own opinion of this development and asses its significance for the future. 6. Provide a bibliography showing all resources you used in your investigation.
  9. Guys, Have any of you got any ideas on what i can do this assignment on? Aviation related, of course!
  10. Oh no, not bloody Jandakot :lol:
  11. Here is the scenario. You are out plane spotting and a 747 flies over head as a hot, nude blonde walks past. What would you do, be looking up at the 747 flying over head...or looking at the blonde. Cast your vote :P (Sorry Glenn you said to start a poll)
  12. Yes Todd I completely forgot about SXM, I shall try to enter it into the itinerary. I dont think I will be travelling on United whilst there, I think it will be all American Airlines, as it will be all oneworld fares / tickets.
  13. :lol: Unfortunately im down with the heard of cattle down the back.
  14. Its not booked yet, and it is also 2 years away. BUT..... I will be going (and nothing is actually 'locked it yet' so everything is tenitive. Sydney - Singapore - London - New York (drive to Washington) - Florida - Mephis (basically doing whole of east coast) - Vegas - San Fransisco ??? - Sydney.
  15. No make one please.
  16. Oh i must of skipped a bit when i read it....i didnt realise it was your first flight onboard a 747, and what a good aircraft for your first flight on the jumbo.
  17. VH-EBT is a great aircraft. Anyone else flown on it?
  18. Good read Todd....thanks for posting. I see you enjoyed your trip in Business class, if only we had enough money to fly J all the time ey!
  19. I've watched it, and honestly im glad i did. Whilst very depressing, it is very rewarding seeing the courage and strength of the passengers onboard. September 11 will never be forgotten, the horrific events of that day shocked the lives of most, and i think the movie is a good way to pay respect to the passengers that were onboard UA93.
  21. Re: Gday intro Bout time you joined this board Matt. Anywayz, welcome buddy, and dont be afraid to ask anything, you will find this board very welcoming.
  22. \:D/ [smilie=cool0010.gif] [smilie=happy0180.gif] [smilie=happy0065.gif] [smilie=neenerneener.gif] [smilie=party0019.gif] [smilie=partytime.gif] [smilie=emot155.gif]
  23. [smilie=angry-smiley-055.gif] ](*,) [smilie=fryingpan.gif] [smilie=fighting0043.gif] [smilie=x_argh.gif] [smilie=sick0004.gif]
  24. No, becuase we all know who will win. You oldies outnumber us youngens here :P :lol: [smilie=fighting0043.gif] ( Me and Todd )
  25. :lol: :lol: I would have to agree with Todd, must be a youth thing.
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