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TAA Matt

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Everything posted by TAA Matt

  1. Hey, Does anyone know of any good aviation mags around? Are there any good freebies around that you can subscraibe online to? Are there any spectacular ones that are worth paying for? Ive never brought or looked into this stuff, look forward to your comments.
  2. http://www.chickenwingscomics.com/ Good for a laugh!
  3. Nice video! :D
  4. Dont worry its Gibraltar.
  5. Does anybody know where this airport is?
  6. Thanks for the report David, it is great to get reports like this on TAA.net, thank-you.
  7. LOL i saw this one beofore but it said "The bird flu has hit the airlines". :lol:
  8. I have seen that so many times lol. And they dont know how to spell Qantas, it stands for Queensland And Northern Territory Aerial Services, there is no U in there.
  9. What? She dosent get her own private jet?
  10. No, this is one of QF's major routes, both Australians and Americans take this route because Qantas is better than United, if other airlines get the right, we will be giving flights for our major carrier away.
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