Hi again,
I'm not sure if you are aware, I started my training with Arena Aviation at YBAF which had, regrettably, moved to YRED out of my reach and has recently closed.
I moved to Hempels at Archerfield as it seemed to be a similar operation to Arena, and their Chief Pilot was an ex-arena instructor I knew well.
However, as I want to continue with an instructor rating after my CPL, I don't feel it would be in my best interests to do an instructor rating with hempels and apply for a job at the end.
From what I've heard, most flying schools will hire their grade 3 instructions, given their flying is up to scratch etc, so I wanted people's opinions on continuing with FTA, the only other feasible school at Archerfield, as the others are too expensive, or just not right for me.
However, I went in today to ask how the CPL training is done and I just got a sense that it wasn't for me. I don't know exactly why, it just didn't feel right.
This is the pickle I'm in. Can anyone confirm for me what FTA is like from inside, or recommend a course of action for me to take. I am about 1/3 through CPL, with 3 subjects complete, no CSU or NVFR yet and about 120 total with 40 command.
This is one of the hardest periods I've had so far, and I'm rapidly loosing motivation to fly, which I really don't want.
I hope you've understood my ramblings here, I just really need some advice from someone not affiliated with the school, and not on Pprune.
If you feel you shouldn't post opinions on the forum, you can get me on msn messenger at eskimo887(at)hotmail(dot)com. I'm on most of the day to about 9pm EST.
Thanks all in advance.