The PPL is an ICAO recognised licence so you can fly on it overseas, but not sure on hong kong specifically.
You will also need a flight check and a theory exam on local regs.
There allowed, look at Dick Smith Electronics. But looks like they couldent save it.
When a business goes bust
The company is still trading
During a period of external administration companies often continue trading under the control of the external administrator.
If the external administrator has announced that the company will honour specific offers or transactions – such as gift cards or lay-bys – you should follow the directions given by the administrator.
Never heard that before, only major endorsements are such as csu/retract, tailwheel or other "design features"
I have never heard of that before, maybe its a schools own requirement.
Lethbridge is looking good from the air, gotta get down there one day.
How far is it from Bells Beach or Point Lonsdale? Going to see the girlfriend next week so will try and get there.
Yep I am bored with it now, thanks Mark (?) :)
Ian, any chance we can just lock this thread so it doesen't get outta hand?
Plus it's basically plugging aviation advertiser.
I admit, I strung it out to much. Sorry
And we have relised that the aviation advertiser is unreliable and the owner does not like criticism and throws out accusations of other forum members hacking there website, and I will send an email to someone I know within the RAA offering them a cheaper and more reliable solution.
I already know you Benjamin, I will disagree with everything you said above but I am not going to bother typing it. Lets agree to disagree and leave it at that.
Ian, I have a contact in the tv industry who is willing to produce a tv ad for rec flying and im happy to donate a few had spots later in the year when he is not snowed under with work.
He can also offer voiceovers for some radio spots. Will also look into a few contacts about advertising rec flying at Melbourne and Sydney Airport for free :)