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Everything posted by Robbo

  1. Benjamin Said: espousing the errors of RAAus in their decision to appoint Aviation Advertiser. ___________________________ And what an error that was. ___________________________ Benjamin Said: I would be a fool to think that the attacks and their motivations are not linked to what is transpiring on this thread ___________________________ Nar your server and website were never up long enough to be hacked. I have said my piece, back under my rock I go
  2. Ummm how do you come to that conclusion? Read the terms, your a commercial business and are required to pay a fee to advertise your business just like every other commercial advertiser on the site. You joined up with your business username to advertise your business, if you read the terms you will see you have broken the agreement of signing up. I would never use your site as it is just to unreliable. READ THE TERMS NEXT TIME No commercial advertising is allowed unless with prior arrangement It's Ians site and he can do watever he want's just like you and your site.
  3. What are people supposed to think? People complain about Telstra and any other mobile carrier on a daily basis to due to constant problems. Your service is simply unreliable and you proved that with your website dying all the time. It is not as if I am making it up you even admitted yourself. There is no slagging against aviation advertiser, I am simply stating the facts that your service is to unreliable to use. You say your fixed the problems, lets just wait and see.
  4. Bi bit slow Vev, thread here. Mr Skidmore resigned from CASA?
  5. Brilliant..... Your server management skills are going to cost you business Benjamin. Pity the RAA can't throw the advertising your way Ian? Should start a petition for them to ditch aviation advertisor as there provider and use Rec Flying instead, at least we know your server can handle it ! Just seems there is a lot of frustrations and reliability failures with aviation advertiser and Rec Flying doesent have any of these and if a problem pops up (rarely happens) you are your quick to fix it not to mention adding new features to the site. Aviation Advertiser seem to lack the skills to maintain servers let alone code websites, in my younger days I ran a small ISP, web design and hosting business on the sidelines from my aviation job (paid for aviation and avionics study) so I know it is not that hard if you know what your doing. To this day I still manage a few servers that incorporate a lot of data, telemetry and radio communications networks.
  6. Sounds like an excuse just like the census, they said it was hack then it wasn't then it was. Just saying it sounds like your server team have limited skills in this area because it doesent take months and months to see you are being hacked and there are backdoors in your site. Just saying..... I could nearly feel confident in using my life savings to place a bet on Ian's new site taking over your customers, not 100% confident but close. Because look at Ian's site, it has a bigger server load than yours and I haven't seen it down once!
  7. Congratulations Nico, good luck with the rest of the training. Training is one of the best parts of your flying career / hobby and your first solo tops all that.
  8. After using the ipad mini for a short time I have decided to go back to the full size in either the air 2 or the new 9.7" pro. Nothing against the mini as they are good for small cockpit aircraft, however most of the stuff im in have glass cockpits and half the time I only glance at the ipad for weather and to cross reference the track. I find a lot of people who have ipads on there yokes or mounted somewhere often get distracted from flying the aircraft, the aircraft has instruments so the iPad should only be used to cross reference, weather and airport charts. So half the time the ipad will be on the floor with an occasional glance. Not having a gripe at anyone, just stating my preference :)
  9. Yep aware of that, but more interested on the condition, as ben pointed out. Cheers
  10. Might get confusing for some people having so many options, fine for me though.
  11. Has anyone flown into Snake Bay airport? Whats it like? Can it handle a twin?
  12. If you need a spreadsheet, you shouldent buy a plane. Aviation is a wallet emptier... And..... CASA is a bank account emptier
  13. Just make sure you can see there are no cars nearby if there is not land, if not go for the paddock. Just remember being on the road you have a better chance of being found if something goes wrong, and also easier to put the plane on the trailer I landed on a horse track once, was doing powerline checks and was hungry so landed on the racecourse got a pie from the shop down the road and took off again, of course there was no horses around and very few people Forget where that was, maybe up around Wagga/Coota but really can't rememer the town.
  14. I think you miss understood him, he is saying to select what forum topics he wants to see as new, e.g aviation incidents = yes, off topic = no I think....
  15. Look what I found Sunshine Coast Aero Club | Facebook "Today, watched by his father and (very nervous mother), 15 year old Sean Smith passed his Recreational Pilots Certificate with flying colours. Under the guidance of Senior Flight Instructor Ivan Tyson, Sean undertook his test with CFI Chris Morrice in our high performance Sling 2 Light Sports Aircraft. Although today's result is just the beginning for Sean in his aviation career, it’s a very important milestone nonetheless. Well done Sean!!"
  16. Come On Sean :) Details mate, details.
  17. Lucky for me level 6 never expires so I won't have to worry about it again !! English language proficiency requirements - changes from October 2015 | Civil Aviation Safety Authority
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