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Everything posted by Robbo

  1. Doh... You win
  2. I still remember the day I first heard about Howie. I was still at school and I can remember a 7 news story about the Avalon Airshow and Howie was talking about the lightwing and introducting it into schools for the students to build. Man I remember that story like yesterday but it was nearly 20 years ago. He was so ethusiastic about aviation it really stood out in that story. You will be missed buddy.
  3. Not sure, but maybe something like "Aviation Electronic Services"
  4. Maybe give AES avionics a call at Parafield and see if they can send a tech out somewhere. Most likelly cost a bit more though.
  5. I hate the city, I prefer to drive two hours each way to work. Nothing beats the country smell.
  6. I have asked Ian (The site owner) to move this to the appropriate area. I am sure some other members will respond to this. You may also like to read the below. https://www.casa.gov.au/sites/g/files/net351/f/_assets/main/aerodromes/rpa/chap08.pdf
  7. Ian, can you move this to Governing Bodies? Also Lima please remember this is an Australian based forum with members worldwide so we may not be able to accurately answer your quistain but we will do our best. From your name I take it these regs are for Brazil?
  8. Hey??? If it's a guess the airport you might wan't to remove the name on the pic. Also what's with all the tech querys? I think you posted to the wrong forum topic, looks like your asking about regs.
  9. I am loving this influx of new student pilot's joining the world of aviation. I think over the last few years aviation is just continuing to grow at a fast rate. Ian, you should be proud on what you have achieved here with this site, you are the one that is promoting aviation and from reading the forums a lot of people are getting into aviation from this forum !! PS: No I am not sucking up, just enjoying the surge of interest in aviation lately.
  10. That reminds me of the time "a mate" peed in an empty bottle of solo and forgot to tell his mate who was working with him
  11. I dunno how you can find the time to make the videos, I get bored and lazy to just mount a suction mount on the windscreen for the go pro let alone film every flight and then edit it. I am not good looking enough to be in front of a camera :)
  12. It does if you only want to carry 1 pax.
  13. Now to the person who posted the question about the BAK exam, http://www.recreationalflying.com/threads/bak-questions-thread.148145 this is why you treat all props live.
  14. oops.... I googled it without glasses on. I have actually been involved with Angel Flight since there launch back in 2004 however other commitments have taken over my life and sadly I have not been active since about 2012.
  15. http://www.angelflight.com/pilots/ Valid and current private (or higher) certificate, with class/type ratings and endorsements required for aircraft Instrument rating Valid & current class III or higher medical certificate 250 hours pilot in command (PIC) experience 25 hours make and model in singles, 75 hours make and model in turbines and twins 50 hours as PIC in last 12 months (waived with a flight review or completion of a Wings phase in last 3 months) Liability insurance policy
  16. If it's aviation related keep building and filling them.
  17. Google earth the location, there is the Clarkfield airfield close to the scene and there is also a private strip not far from Clarkefield. You could almost presume there was a landing sequence of some sort. I know of someone who own's an RV based at the below strip, but in no way am I saying this is the aircraft that was involved. I am simply saying there are two strips close by to the accident scene and there may have been sort of landing sequence.
  18. That works like the apple store doesen't it? So you should be able to login to the google play store and download it again. That's my understanding, but then again I don't use android.
  19. 15:11 here........
  20. g'day mate, how ya doin? I fly in the sky
  21. G'day Liz, Welcome from me
  22. Steve Edwards, president of the Kyneton Aero Club, which manages Kyneton's airfield, said the local piloting community was close-knit and he did not believe the deceased were from the club. “It's tragic,” Mr Edwards said. “It is a tight community up here and I don't believe it is one of ours.” A spokesman for Riddell Airfield, at Clarkfield, said it was not yet clear where the plane had taken off.
  23. Can't pick the plane, tail kinda leads me to a sporty. RV?
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