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Everything posted by Robbo

  1. this is what happens when you screw up
  2. I always thought this was for ipads only? I have never used Android but I was sure android devices has the GPS separated from the cellular chip?
  3. This popped up in the news feed http://www.avweb.com/avwebflash/news/Icon-Contract-Raises-EAA-Auction-Concern-226019-1.html
  4. Heard this on the radio last night, hope there are no crocs where he wen't down and they find him safe and well but sadly time is against him.
  5. Russ, Does that means GippsAero is a fraud? They went crazy for the reinvented Nomad the GA18 and did major media coverage and bragged about how its gonna be an awesome aircraft to go up against the Cessna Caravan and now its dissapeared, same with the C-NM5.
  6. Does it effect you? Jealous? Does other forum members offering encouragement to another member effect you? I am over 18 I can talk to strangers if I want. I bet if you came on this forum with a project you would expect encouragement, its a forum for christ sake. I can say a few things about some of your posts but why would I? You have a right to post on this forum just like the rest of us. Thats what makes this website a friendly place for aviators to chat to other aviators and enthusiasts.
  7. Time to open the worm can again... I wish I could create a poll, so who is using what?
  8. Not having a go at you mate :) I should have known it would have been something like that :) You can go onto the ozrunways site and actually ask the quistain without emailing them from your account, it will create like a thread to your private conversation and you can bookmark the ticket link and view it :) http://help.ozrunways.com/discussion/new You might also want to check the app permisions under settings as it may have network or location disabled, if location is disabled it will block it from using the gps.
  9. I actually purchased this aircraft, it doesen't fly to bad. Take a look here http://www.modelflight.com.au/parkzone-ultra-micro-icon-a5-rc-plane-bnf.html?gclid=CMCe5-f3-csCFYeYvAodibACRQ Now for the video..
  10. Just don't make a C-NM5 piece of junk. Even the test pilot walked away!
  11. Doc, I will say one thing... Be very very careful.
  12. Welcome
  13. No problems mate, I will keep my feelers open for you.
  14. This is like playing guess the aircraft.... Need more clues !
  15. Maybe try these guys? http://www.aircraftplastics.com.au http://www.aerospaceplastic.com.au http://www.aeroplastics.com.au
  16. Could you get one made up from a plastic moulding business?
  17. Works here, maybe the image is to large. Can upload to www.imgur.com and direct link it.
  18. Don't mean any disrespect here Deb, but how can you get a medical to fly an aircraft with OCD? I have heard that is an instant disqualification in holding a pilots licence? Now I know the bloke mentioned in the below article is hated in the airline industry but its an example and things have changed since this. http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/worldnews/australiaandthepacific/australia/7501666/Mentally-ill-Qantas-pilot-allowed-to-fly-despite-wanting-to-crash-planes.html
  19. You can't email ozrunways becuase your at sea yet you can post on this forum? You obviously have internet access, am I missing something?
  20. THEY don’t call him Jack the Ripper for nothing. He generally attacks from behind and you don’t know he’s there until the first shriek. A moment later, his powerful talons have torn shreds from the fabric shell of your ultralight glider and he’s hitched a ride on an updraft to prepare for another raid. Pilot Alan Beavis, of Bendigo, is not Jack’s only victim, but he’s the first to have caught the wedge-tailed eagle’s attacks in the skies above Boort on camera. “It was scary the first time (he attacked the glider) and I guess it’s still a little unnerving when it’s in close,” he said. “I usually focus on the talons — if they’re down it probably intends to try and rip the wing.” Story and video at http://www.weeklytimesnow.com.au/country-living/attack-by-a-wedgetailed-eagle-over-boort-caught-on-camera/news-story/e854314ff1cb88727c7c0d250e793039
  21. Correct..... http://atsb.gov.au/publications/investigation_reports/2016/aair/ao-2016-030/
  22. MANY of us fantasise about quitting our jobs in the most spectacular ways imaginable — and a few of us might end up doing it. But when you’re a flight attendant, there is no more bizarre way to go than this. A United Airlines hostie has been sacked after she burst open the front door of a plane that landed in Texas, triggered the inflatable evacuation slide, slid down and kept walking. http://www.news.com.au/travel/travel-updates/incidents/another-flight-attendant-quits-by-triggering-a-grounded-planes-emergency-slide-and-bailing/news-story/d52ef0bc524ce84c6496e9115dc24c33
  23. Welcome Phil
  24. https://www.wingsoverillawarra.com.au/page/flying-program
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