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Everything posted by Robbo

  1. Yer I heard they brought the "Nomad" from Boeing along with a massive parts inventory and part of the deal is they have to support all current nomads that are flying across the world.
  2. Sadly, the GA18 guru's were let go in one of there mass sackings. No one is even qualified to fly the demo machine now and it is gathering dust in the hanger last I heard.
  3. The trusty Nomad, nice machine but sadly I don't think we will see it again.
  4. They have good feedback though, like how they list the brand as lenovo. I never buy second hand electronics, could be stolen or faulty. I always buy new for warranty and purchase assurance. But I do sell old ipads and iphones through mresell, they are the best when it comes to the cash.
  5. It is a sad thing when aerospace companies go into receivership.
  6. That bloke makes some awesome movies.
  7. Thank you for your service and what you have done for this country. Maybe one of our W.A members could organise you a joy flight.
  8. I have a mate who is a hems pilot and he got blinded by one as he was approaching the Alfred hospital in Melbourne. I was hit with one about 12 months ago and there not pleasant. Some people are just sick, there nothing but brain dead imbeciles. They should be charged with reckless conduct causing serious injury and possible death. Throw them in the slammer and throw away the key. The laws are to soft in this country.
  9. Agree... You have my support there Geoff..
  10. Going by this latest update it has possibly started a bushfire?
  11. djpacro is the king on this. Might find something here http://www.recreationalflying.com/forums/aerobatics.82/
  12. These videos are nothing like the real thing, factor in passengers screaming and panic in the cabin (if they know) and the power of stress you have got a slim chance of landing the aircraft successfully. Take a look at the doco on John Wildey and he was only flying a Cessna.
  13. Seems the news article has done some cut and paste from the Boeing website.
  14. Welcome This is not that easy these day, there is just not much of a demand. You may get some sort of deal if you plan to do a heap of hours in it. Still going to be doing a heap of hoirs in it, so you may end up doing more hours than someone who joins to fly it on casual weekends. Yep You could hire one privately, advertise in aviation trader and see if you can hire one from someone, of course you will need to be on there insurance but worth a shot.
  15. THERE’S the classic 747, the smaller 737 and more recently, the fancy 787 Dreamliner. And don’t forget the 757, 767 and 777. So have you ever wondered just what’s with all the numbers 7s when it comes to Boeing aircraft models? Is there a method to the numbering “madness”? http://www.news.com.au/travel/travel-advice/flights/why-do-boeing-planes-start-and-end-with-the-number-7/news-story/6bb5bbb847e1c6021f5de8287ab3a830
  16. I bet Matty Wright has tried this
  17. The one in Mooloolaba is called "Loo with a view". But Google is showing it as permanently closed so maybe its no longer. Don't think it's to way glass as such but made using mirrors.
  18. There is a see through toilet in Mooloolaba where it is all glass but when you are using it you can see outside and people walking past, made with one way glass but crikey it feels surreal. You wouldn't want to get stage fright.
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