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Everything posted by Robbo

  1. I would hate to see you in the one at work, you crashed on the landing and the sim reset it self, do it with the work ones and it will throw you through the screens if your not wearing a seat belt. Not picking on you just cant word it so it sounds different
  2. Nice pussy there Phil I love Pussys they are stupid but a lot of fun
  3. Yep agree mate, just thought I would mention it
  4. Hey Kaz, that post was from way back in old time 2008, not taking the **** out of you just a friendly message Mr Darby reopened a very old topic not that there is anything wrong with that
  5. Schools have there own B.A.K exams. It is not a casa exam like the ppl cyber exam. The good old paper crossword answer sheet
  6. My digital radio cuts out when charging a battery or I have the computer on
  7. There are two helipads they operate from and both are on the Yarra. One is located directly opposite Crown Casino and the other is further up the river, there approach and departure path is straight down the river so its only a minute or two of noise as they climb, and they don't go that often!! Plus there not that noisy ! I remember a few years back I was getting changed on the 16th floor and the police helicopter hovered past the window as I was nude I should there and waved, the chopper hovered for about 30 seconds until I showed him there was a full moon today True Story !!
  8. Choppers are nothing compared with the sirens and trains. Get sound proof glass if you have a problem!
  9. FT is it your job to be so negative about everything? You must be on a good salary with all your commissions.
  10. Gippsland Member Darren Chester has taken over the Infrastructure & Transport Portfolios
  11. Try the Royal Queensland Aero Club
  12. Better turn off the ceiling van then, oi next time don't make so much noise !!
  13. The whingers are out in force....... Better than listening to people humping in the next apartment like what I had to put up with in the hotel the other night!!!! http://www.heraldsun.com.au/news/victoria/helicopter-noise-annoying-east-melbourne-people/news-story/93a87979f1a2eb114c0b10d776124a59 INNER city residents say an increase in aircraft noise is ruining their quality of life and their health. Figures from Air Services Australia reveal about 1800 helicopters flew over East Melbourne in the first six months of 2015, much to the annoyance of local residents. Most were tourist joy flights transporting high flying clients to major sporting events such as the AFL Grand Final or the Melbourne Cup. Residents say the favoured route through the city for helicopters and light aircraft tends to be via the Melbourne Cricket Ground and the Yarra River. Many of these flights arrive from Essendon Airport heading in a north/south direction over the East Melbourne area. Murray Hohnen, from the East Melbourne Group, said the group has long been concerned about the noise and safety impacts of frequent low level flights by aircraft and helicopters over residential areas. He said residents main concern was with the increased number of joy flights, flights relating to sports events, and training flights — not flights by emergency services. “It’s a daily problem with helicopter and light aircraft buzzing around,” Mr Hohnen said. “On Grand Final day, one helicopter hovered over the MCG for more than an hour.” The City of Melbourne says it has received complaints from several East Melbourne residents about increased aircraft noise plus residents of Siddeley St in South Wharf who live close to a helipad. A noise survey of residents revealed that 86 per cent of people stated that their quality of live was being negatively affected by aircraft noise. While regulations require most helicopters and small aircraft to fly at a minimum of 1000 feet, regulations are silent on key issues such as flight paths, times of operation and minimum heights for hovering. The council is now seeking to develop Fly Neighbourly Agreements (FNA) with helicopter operators to safely manage the large numbers of flights and consider issues such as early morning and evening flight curfews. The two small helipads located on the Yarra River are both operated by private companies. Clem Newton-Brown, a director of Whitemark Property and Planning, said helicopter transport was in danger of being squeezed out of Melbourne. He said the time has come for Victoria to designate some specific areas for helicopter landing within the CBD and ensure these rights are protected into the future. “With the explosion in inner city residential living the time has come to consider a dedicated Melbourne heliport in an appropriate location to ensure that this unique form of transport is secure into the future,” he said. “If helicopters are run out of the CBD, regional tourism and emergency services will suffer. “With “fly neighbourly” agreements in place there is no reason why we cannot continue to support an industry which has been operating incident free in the CBD for over 50 years”
  14. There is never a good day to download windows 10, it is rubbish.
  15. Due to the major network failure last week Telstra are offering unlimited mobile data this Sunday for both mobile phones and mobile broadband, of course this is gonna cripple the network but if you get in early you could get some fast data. This is a perfect time to update your ozrunways and avplan maps :) http://www.gizmodo.com.au/2016/02/telstra-will-give-away-unlimited-mobile-data-this-sunday/
  16. Tas Eugene Reid 0428 824 700 [email protected] NSW Michael Apps 0412 435 198 [email protected] NT Mark Christie 0412 345 111 [email protected] SA Barry Windle 0408 842 308 [email protected] South QLD Trevor Bange 0429 378 370 Trevor [email protected] Mike Smith 0418 735 785 [email protected] VIC Teresa Avila 0410 410 185 [email protected] Rod Birrell (03) 9744 1305 [email protected] WA Ed Smith 0409 962 050 [email protected]
  17. Not Australian but I know someone who got one done from this guy and had it shipped. http://www.toddscanopies.com/
  18. You can still get the rpl without the nav endo so you can fly a circle within 25nm of the aerodrome, good way to build up hours etc etc.
  19. So first a prop stolen from Melbourne now this? Arseholes
  20. Here is what you need to become a blimp pilot http://www.lifehacker.com.au/2015/02/odd-jobs-how-to-become-a-blimp-pilot/
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