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Everything posted by Robbo

  1. JAPAN unveiled its first homemade stealth plane as it tries to catch up on the technology and enhance its reconnaissance and intelligence capabilities as China expands its own military presence in the region. http://www.news.com.au/technology/innovation/military/japan-unveils-stealth-plane-may-combine-with-nextgen-jet/news-story/65dfb237c4b21b9aeb679bcecebdcf9f
  2. Hmmm did someone forget to untie the nose? https://www.facebook.com/AppliancesOnline.com.au/videos/?refid=17
  3. I would be keeping an eye on ebay and gumtree.
  4. I read the Geelong advertiser and this caught my attention. Maybe the maintenance release? "Earlier on Monday, police said a critical piece of evidence may hold the key to solving the crash after a crucial document washed ashore over the weekend." "Police said a member of the public located the item on the beach before contacting police in the days after the passenger plane that crashed"
  5. Bloody hell, some people.....
  6. Tracker shows it's now over Brunswick. Must not have ADSB as flight radar 24 doesen't show it, was gonna check it's speed. http://www.appliancesonline.com.au/Legend-Blimp/
  7. Nearly ran off the freeway today, the Appliances Online blimp is flying around Melbourne this week. Looks like he had a bit of a headwind
  8. Never assume when it comes to CASA, a quick email or phone call is the best.
  9. The Point Lonsdale lighthouse is now a memorial. Flowers and tributes adorn the lighthouse.
  10. Agree, but these were posted just to give you an idea on basic conditions.
  11. Dutch That was the fisherman wasn't it? I believe he was in the vicinty and went to the impact zone?
  12. http://www.wunderground.com/history/wmo/94850/2016/1/29/DailyHistory.html?req_city=YKII&req_state=TA&req_statename=Tasmania&reqdb.zip=00000&reqdb.magic=3&reqdb.wmo=94850 http://www.wunderground.com/history/airport/YMAV/2016/1/29/DailyHistory.html?req_city=YMAV&req_state=VC&req_statename=Victoria&reqdb.zip=00000&reqdb.magic=3&reqdb.wmo=94854
  13. Good golly I did not need that picture
  14. You would be suprised red, once you get in the seat and grab that stick/yoke it will start flooding back.
  15. So can't offer you a vegemite pizza? Doh, Kraft have stopped Pizza Hut from doing it. http://www.news.com.au/lifestyle/food/pizza-hut-launches-vegemite-and-cheeseinfused-mitey-stuffed-crust-for-australia-day/news-story/13941a7fcbe0a932aa6c81a1d32c80a3
  16. FAILURE of landing gear aboard BA295 flight to Chicago meant pilots had to make a “stressful and scary” emergency landing at Heathrow Airport. http://www.news.com.au/world/europe/pilot-makes-emergency-landing-at-heathrow-as-plane-landing-gear-fails/news-story/db7b0e88b3f6406472a191db43299d1b
  17. R.I.P Doug Another sad day for aviation, we are losing to many friends and colleagues lately. Let's take comfort in knowing Doug was doing something he loved. R.I.P
  18. Nope. I was sorting other things out with them and was not really concerned as I will just carry it in my bag anyway so if they challenge it I will just pull out the paper. But will follow up this week and get something in writing, will send them an email instead of calling so will have a email trail.
  19. I spoke to CASA about this and was advised you can only carry an electronic copy of the licence if you are airline crew and have an authority to fly letter. This is direct from casa, so don't shoot the messenger if it's wrong
  20. ATSB boss admits MH370 search vessels may have missed plane. http://www.heraldsun.com.au/news/atsb-boss-admits-mh370-search-vessels-may-have-missed-plane/news-story/34d265a6e95bb71becdc8c35ffec0899
  21. One thing that needs to be taken into account, I have seen this happen with various other forums. Once a member leaves the forum or in this case there life is sadly taken there email account will expire after a period of inactivity or they may change there email address. This could cause a security issue with the forums because if someone signs up for the same email address they can see mailings from rec flying and then do a password recovery and spam under the former members username. Maybe the "Gone but never forgotten" message can be tied in with an account lock or suspension? Maybe there could also be an automatic lock on an account if the member doesn't sign in for six months and there is a secret question and answer that has to be supplied to reopen the account? Just a suggestion... (Sorry about spelling, back on laptop next week as I have had enough of the phone)
  22. I wonder how many people call 000 thinking its not long happened.
  23. PASSENGERS have already snapped up about 7000 seats on new Avalon Airport Jetstar destinations Hobart and Adelaide, with flight launches still two months away. http://www.geelongadvertiser.com.au/news/geelong/thousands-of-seats-sold-for-new-jetstar-avalon-destinations/news-story/c4582d9520d3eb361d2f8f5b11a81810
  24. Some things have been brought to my attention and I wish to make an apology. I agree that I jumped to a conclusion to soon in relation to this tragic accident, an in fact I did something that I tell everyone else not to do. I understand this could have brought distress to people involved with the aircraft that's registration I posted earlier. I saw this aircraft being mentioned on the news and looking at the data logs it seemed to fit, but yes I was wrong and I admit that, I apologise. I say never listen to the media and on this occasion I have fallen into there trap. I was advised by a friend that it was a red and white aircraft (in this case it was) but once again I should not have made this public. It has also been brought to my attention about the way I come across in response to regulations and other topics, I do not mean to "shoot down" members responses. I seem to put things the wrong way when I am typing in a hurry, so if for any reason you think I have personally attacked your responses this is not the case. I don't know everything and never will, because everyday you learn something new in this industry. I have taken the comments on board and will refrain from "speculating" in the future. Once again I do apologise if you have felt I have "attacked" any of your responses. Take care everyone, and please keep safe when flying. Blue Skies
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