Some things have been brought to my attention and I wish to make an apology.
I agree that I jumped to a conclusion to soon in relation to this tragic accident, an in fact I did something that I tell everyone else not to do.
I understand this could have brought distress to people involved with the aircraft that's registration I posted earlier.
I saw this aircraft being mentioned on the news and looking at the data logs it seemed to fit, but yes I was wrong and I admit that, I apologise.
I say never listen to the media and on this occasion I have fallen into there trap.
I was advised by a friend that it was a red and white aircraft (in this case it was) but once again I should not have made this public.
It has also been brought to my attention about the way I come across in response to regulations and other topics, I do not mean to "shoot down" members responses.
I seem to put things the wrong way when I am typing in a hurry, so if for any reason you think I have personally attacked your responses this is not the case.
I don't know everything and never will, because everyday you learn something new in this industry.
I have taken the comments on board and will refrain from "speculating" in the future.
Once again I do apologise if you have felt I have "attacked" any of your responses.
Take care everyone, and please keep safe when flying.
Blue Skies