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Everything posted by Robbo

  1. Picking on my spelling? Grrrr I hate typing on phones!
  2. That is your choice, I am only stating the facts. Not sure how you came to the conclusion of me picking holes in your post, you asked me a direct question and I responded.
  3. Don't see why it should be any different, you are still taxing to and taking off from a runway and as you pointed out above that there could be other aircraft in the vicinty. I used to do low level survey work and we flew over peoples private strips at 300ft and doing 140knots and if we know the strip is there we would do a call and once or twice there was a departing aircraft who put a call out so we new someone was around.
  4. I mean people need to use there brains when it comes to this. There are times when you may need to make more calls but not constantly. I will use an example of something that happened recently: A couple of student pilots calling everything they did taxi, enter runway, backtrack, roll, crosswind, down wind, base, final and other calls I have never heard of. Meanwhile a King Air is 12 miles out as I had him visual meanwhile he was never able to get a call in until he was 2.5 miles from the airport as these students were clogging up the radios with there dribble!! Not to mention that you can not even understand half of there calls due to another nationality, I am not sure how they pass there english assessment but thats an issue for another day. Although I have to laugh when I do my level 6 english assessment I have to listen and be assesed on my ability to understand foreign air traffic control, not sure how that works for an english assesment but anyway. TO MANY RADIO CALLS CAN ALSO CAUSE ACCIDENTS INSTEAD OF AVOIDING THEM.
  5. You say no taxi call? May I again refer you to CAAP 166.
  6. Malaysia Airlines in this week’s schedule update is accelerating planned last Boeing 777-200ER scheduled operation, which sees the oneWorld member last 777 flight (excluding Hajj/Umrah flights) arriving Kuala Lumpur on 27JAN16. Kuala Lumpur – Guangzhou route sees the last 777 service on 26JAN16, instead of 27MAR16. From 27JAN16, service will be operated by Boeing 737-800 until 29FEB16. During the month of March 2016, A330-300 will operate MH376/377 on 4 of 7 weekly flights MH376 KUL0930 – 1335CAN 333 x125 MH376 KUL0930 – 1335CAN 738 125 MH377 CAN1440 – 1845KUL 333 x125 MH377 CAN1440 – 1845KUL 738 125 Additional flights to Guangzhou will be added during selected dates in February and March 2016. Previously announced by the airline and also noted on Airline Route, Malaysia Airlines will end Kuala Lumpur – Amsterdam and Kuala Lumpur – Paris CDG route, with last flight departing Europe on 26JAN16, arriving KUL on 27JAN16. http://airlineroute.net/2016/01/20/mh-777-jan16/ Maybe Delta purchased them! http://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2015-10-14/delta-bargain-hunt-puts-boeing-777-on-used-jet-shopping-list
  7. I don't see this lasting, I have worked out of Canberra and the loads are small apart from when it is parliament week. I guess they can bring in regular staff for the local brothels and strip clubs.
  8. Unless you are an engineer you have no idea the work that goes into 100 hourlys. They may look and seem basic but trust me its not as easy as it sounds and does take time. Remember engineers are not your backyard car mechanic and your not just doing a quick service on the family car.
  9. People over use the radio to much. Sick of them making radio calls for everything they do such as downwind, base, final, rolling. As per the regs you don't have to! For circuits I simply do: Taxi Enter Runway (with intentions) Final (Touch & Go) If there is another aircraft in the circuit and they have just arrived may do a once off down wind call. DON'T OVER USE THE RADIO
  10. Who needs the media when you have this website
  11. https://www.atsb.gov.au/newsroom/correcting-the-record.aspx#.VpxuhRc0WoI.twitter
  12. Back in the air.. http://www.hayriverhub.com/2016/01/buffalo-airways-cleared-to-resume-flights/
  13. I don't think I am the only one with to much time on my hands. Hmmm I actually googled that and I get Yogi Bear lol.
  14. Amazing this underwater gear. Found a turn of the century ship wreck. http://jacc.gov.au/families/operational_reports/opsearch-update-20160113.aspx
  15. I seem to be told I can extend my man hood with some secret potion according to a popup. Hmmm one can only hope :)
  16. Oh well, I have nothing to hide so I couldent give a .... They would be preety bored with my meta data.
  17. Think you will get a two year asic as they only do two years, but they will most likely send you a new card when they do the second check for the 4 year msic. If you do the asic and msic at the same time the asic will have the two year expiry and msic will have four years but they should automatically send you the asic for the next two years after the second check. I repeated myself there because I am using my phone and can't be bothered deleting the first part
  18. I don't hold one anymore, but will be reapplying in the next few months as we have a boat berthed in an area where we need the msic. Here is an email I received last week to confirm nothing has changed since I held one. "If you are basing your MSIC on an ASIC, the process is slightly different. The background check will be based on the ASIC so we can just print the MSIC within 2 business days. However, the expiry date will match the ASIC"
  19. Geoff, Do you need another check for your msic? I just paid a card fee about $50 but has same expiry as asic. So they issued it based on the asic security check. No extra security check for msic.
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