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Everything posted by Robbo

  1. These all want access.. 1. Australian Financial Security Authority, Commonwealth 2. Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency (AHPRA), Commonwealth 3. Australian Postal Corporation, Commonwealth 4. Australian Taxation Office, Commonwealth 5. Australian Transaction Reports and Analysis Centre, Commonwealth 6. Civil Aviation, Safety Authority (CASA), Commonwealth 7. Clean Energy Regulator, Commonwealth 8. Department of Agriculture, Commonwealth 9. Department of Defence (ADFIS and IGD), Commonwealth 10. Department of the Environment, Commonwealth 11. Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade, Commonwealth 12. Department of Health, Commonwealth 13. Department of Human Services, Commonwealth 14. Department of Social Services, Commonwealth 15. Fair Work Building and Construction, Commonwealth 16. National Measurement Institute, Commonwealth 17. ACT Revenue Office, ACT 18. Access Canberra (Department of Treasury and Economic Development), ACT 19. Bankstown City Council, NSW 20. Consumer Affairs, VIC 21. Consumer, Building and Occupational Services (Consumer Affairs and Fair Trading – Department of Justice), TAS 22. Consumer and Business Services, SA 23. Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry, QLD 24. Department of Commerce, WA 25. Department of Corrective Services, WA 26. Department of Environment and Heritage Protection, QLD 27. Department of Economic Development, Jobs, Transport & Resources (Fisheries), VIC 28. Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning, VIC 29. Department of Environment Regulation, WA 30. Department of Fisheries, WA 31. Department of Justice and Regulation (Consumer Affairs), VIC 32. Department of Justice and Regulation (Sheriff of Victoria), VIC 33. Department of Mines and Petroleum, WA 34. Department of Primary Industries (Fisheries), NSW 35. Environment Protection Authority, SA 36. Greyhound Racing Victoria, VIC 37. Harness Racing New South Wales, NSW 38. Health Care Complaints Commission, NSW 39. Legal Services Board, VIC 40. NSW Environment Protection Authority, NSW 41. NSW Fair Trading, NSW 42. Office of Environment & Heritage, NSW 43. Office of Fair Trading (Department of Justice And Attorney-General Office of the Director General), QLD 44. Office of State Revenue, NSW 45. Office of State Revenue, QLD 46. Office of the Racing Integrity Commissioner, VIC 47. Primary Industries and Regions South Australia (PIRSA), SA 48. Queensland Building and Construction Commission, QLD 49. Racing and Wagering Western Australia, WA 50. Racing NSW, NSW 51. Racing Queensland, QLD 52. Roads and Maritime Services NSW, NSW 53. Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (RSPCA), VIC 54. State Revenue Office, VIC 55. Taxi Services Commission, VIC 56. RevenueSA, SA 57. Victorian WorkSafe Authority, VIC http://www.theage.com.au/technology/technology-news/dozens-of-government-agencies-request-access-to-citizen-metadata-without-warrants-20160119-gm8uql.html
  2. I still get chills (pardon the pun) when I hear the word icing...
  3. Not the best thing for a hostie to say in the current climate. http://www.news.com.au/travel/travel-updates/flight-attendant-tells-passengers-we-dont-want-to-die-as-ice-forms-on-planes-wing/news-story/9ed3bc359c5dd5bfe6d53188b9de4cfa https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XFcTz3Jjafw
  4. Sorry accidently quoted you when it was just a normal post. Have removed the quote.
  5. Got an endorsement added to my licence, posted the forms on Wednesday via express post, got the updated licence today so that would had to have been same day processing!! Should the Level 6 english be printed on the licence? Doesen't show it.
  6. Such is life.. Can't please everyone. You have a choice remember, comply with the regs or don't fly. SIMPLE!
  7. Everyone has the right to there own opinions. I seem to be the only one for the asic system, oh well thats why I love Australia as your allowed free speech.
  8. You have no problems? So I take it you prefer the bigger display? Would you get a mini if the air shat itself? Plenty of room in a G5 or GLEX though.
  9. Nice... I could never get into flight simulators. Well apart from the A330 one at my old work place
  10. I thought your name rang a bell. http://www.smh.com.au/digital-life/digital-life-news/malaysian-pilots-simulator-shows-passion-for-garage-cockpits-20140324-hvm56.html
  11. Congratulations mate.... Arrr diet, I think that makes two of us.
  12. I remember cleaning the hoppers of the fire aircraft, no mask nothing. Find out that foschek is deadly!!
  13. Weather Radar and maps are on the aircraft display.
  14. So..... I just can't get my head around the mini. Curious, who actually uses the full size here? Should not be hard to mount it on the windscreen with a suction mount or have it between the seats. I tend to only use ipads to cross reference and to read documents, the cockpit has the "gear". So would be stowed untill I do a random check or look at an approach plate. I wonder if apple will drop the 9.7" tablet considering they have two iphone sizes they may go for the mini and the pro ipads dropping the middle one.
  15. I am sure Bernie Bantin thought the same thing in his younger days.
  16. Jeez you got a bargain i was on like five bucks.
  17. Recreational Pilots Licence (CASA) Replaces the GFPT.
  18. According to this one a few years ago that was delayed also, there is asbestos in the firewall. http://www.thecourier.com.au/story/61840/two-killed-in-tiger-moth-plane-crash-at-maryborough/
  19. I did some work out of Temora in 06.. The local cabbie was a legend. Think there were remnets of an old caravan park?? But was preety bare when I was there. Look out for the drunk granny that hits on pilots and engineers at the local pub!!!
  20. Jeez Phil, I read the topic heading and Though tonight was my lucky night. Then I thought, hope the females don't pay per second or im going to only make cents! Reminds me "of a mate" who visited certain establishments, he asked if they do per second billing and if he could get a tax invoice!
  21. Remember: DO NOT FART Or you may make the fire bigger :) Oh the good old days of lighting your farts and shooting out a huge blue flame. Sorry, should not make jokes within a serious topic.
  22. Doesen't matter, You choose to hold a licence same as a commercial or private pilot. You choose to fly, therefore you should have an asic. Thats like saying mr bad man from syria can gets his ra licence at a small airport with no security check and hire a plane from a small airport and then cause havoc. I believe the asic shouldn't be based on access to a security controlled airport but instead a high level background check on you and your eligibility to hold a pilots licence.
  23. I wish they would streamline it and make everyone pay it, why should we have to fork out money to do our job and people who have the pleasure of doing it for fun doesent have to! An airport is an airport no matter how big it is. You could load up an RA aircraft with "material" that could cause as much damage as something larger.
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