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Everything posted by Robbo

  1. Hmmm interview was at 4pm... Where are you Yenn??? I need a sitrep!!! Edit: Oops he is on Queensland time!!
  2. Doh they don't have a live stream!! Hope they release it as a podcast...
  3. http://www.airservicesaustralia.com/santa/ Love how they do this every year for the kiddies.
  4. Not having a go at him.. I know how he would be feeling I remember the first time I did it I shat myself. But now with countless tv/radio and print interviews along with hosting countless aviation seminars its second nature for me. Edit: Stopped doing public speaking about 10 years ago so I reckon I would have a case of the nerves if I did it again.
  5. The nerves kicking in yet Yenn?
  6. The met office is saying the tornado cells have moved out to sea. Edit: Spelt "Sea" wrong
  7. Nice....
  8. Time to go for a fly
  9. Hmm dunno if that's a joke or not..
  10. Talk from the heart, just talk as if you and a mate were talking and forget it is a reporter. Talk calmly and clearly, if you are unsure on something just say your not to sure and don't try and guess. We will be listening online :)
  11. Shows how much you value this site, look at all the people new to the industry finding valuable information here and even they say its has helped them along the line.
  12. Give this site a plug :)
  13. For people wishing to read the final report you cam find it here: http://atsb.gov.au/publications/investigation_reports/2014/aair/ao-2014-131.aspx http://atsb.gov.au/media/5738040/ao2014131_final.pdf Edit: I flew powerline survey about ten years ago and even though you are flying low, fast and in very close proximity to power lines they can still sneak up on you. We had a map showing all the powerlines but those dirty great big high voltage lines with the "Skeleton" mast structures are a pain in the butt because they go over the lines you have to fly and if your not concentrating you will hit them. But........ We were highly trained and had dedicated charts of where the lines were, we had to satify the power company and had to complete there training !! DO NOT FLY A MANOEUVRE IF YOU ARE NOT TRAINED AS IT WILL MOST LIKELY BE THE LAST TIME YOU WILL FLY AND YOU WILL BE PUTTING THE FINAL NAIL IN YOUR OWN COFFIN
  14. Welcome Mike
  15. The girlfriend is gonna get a big suprise on Christmas day...........
  16. Ahhhh you can keep it :)
  17. Hope it's the 7000 already got the 6000 and I am bored with it.
  18. LOL....... I tried all Glenn Quagmire's pickup lines but they kept failing :(
  19. Most I have won is around $20,000 with Sportsbet in 2013. Had a few to many stubbys and put $15 on the AFL, it was one of the worst teams so the odds were good. Came down to two goals difference ahhhh nearly died when I relised the mistake as they were losing when I relised. I put a few to many 0's on ($15,000) Lucky they won!!!!
  20. Sinus? I got a sinus with a problem, I will ask the doctor if I can give it to you.
  21. I need a new GLEX Or maybe just give it a wash.
  22. Sorry half asleep when I typed that, should have been "he asked her if she can get a can down for him" (short bloke)
  23. I just peed myself
  24. Aero Club !! Weekends are a great time for training, flying, bbq and aviation chit chat. I love this great Country !!
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