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Everything posted by Robbo

  1. Oh No !!!! I have fallen Victim !! Fixed ! Sorry...... Long day.....
  2. Fr Freedom Of Information
  3. I should call you Kevin McCallister because I bet you would get up to mischief like him in home alone if you were left home alone!
  4. http://www.news.com.au/travel/travel-updates/incidents/mh370-disaster-atsb-report-confirms-electrical-failure-before-disappearance/news-story/db81004f8a694fbdb2c06e3ca216de9c
  5. Probably lots in his dreams
  6. Well, I have had around 8 renewals and always prompt service. Maybe you have a dark past :)
  7. That is to hard :)
  8. Me and a mate failed the breatho, we lost our licences and we got the jets impounded!
  9. Did you tick the box to say dont renew till month of expiry meaning they would not have actioned the paperwork untill after the 1st December.
  10. Can't blame aviation id Australia at Merimbula (The contractor to CASA) as they work there but off and they have always been helpful to me. Especially Benay!
  11. For once a media outlet actually writes a respectful article.
  12. FRANK Sinatra’s Come Fly With Me played as mourners remembered the generosity and kindness of Townsville pilot Ross Millard, and paid tribute to his love of aviation. Mr Millard, 64, died on November 29 at Ace Aviation’s airfield at Woodstock when a test flight turned to tragedy and his light plane nosedived into scrub near the runway. Mourners packed Woongarra Crematorium chapel during Mr Millard’s funeral yesterday, with extra chairs outside still not enough to seat the entire crowd. An aviation theme ran through the memorial, with Come Fly With Me played as the entrance song, while jokes about Mr Millard holding flight lessons in heaven featured among the tributes. Civil celebrant Amanda Medill spoke of Mr Millard’s kindness, his determination and his passion for aviation. “He was a real character, a good guy and a wonderful partner and father and his enthusiasm for life was contagious,” she said. “His generosity of spirit and mateship was obvious to all that he met. He could be described as stubborn, extremely intelligent and a very supportive provider for his family.” Ms Medill said Mr Millard had left a legacy of kindness, commitment and respect. “Missed will be his tropical T-shirts, his most up-to-date, trendy sunglasses, his companionship and his presence,” she said. “His little dog Millie will also be missing her master. “She is still pining for him to come home.” Mr Millard’s 45-year aviation history included service with the Royal Australian Air Force, work as a maintenance engineer and his role as the North Queensland board member of Recreational Aviation Australia. Mourners heard that a job with the Singer Sewing Centre in his younger days stood Mr Millard in good stead, providing him with sewing skills that helped him first in working with the RAAF, making parachutes, and later working for a costume designer in the UK, where he met his partner. Mr Millard completed about 2000 skydiving jumps and had a lucky escape in a 1974 crash in the Northern Territory, when two people died after a plane suffered an engine failure. Mr Millard leaves behind his partner of 35 years, Deb, and daughter Kelly http://www.townsvillebulletin.com.au/news/aviators-passion-remembered-by-mourners/story-fnjfzs4b-1227637152700
  13. I know a newbie who got his asic within two weeks a week after his arn arrived.
  14. ASICS take about a week to two at the moment, my renewal was done in a week.
  15. Classic !!
  16. http://atsb.gov.au/publications/investigation_reports/2009/aair/ao-2009-072.aspx
  17. Or liked chocolate
  18. http://www.news.com.au/travel/travel-advice/flights/malaysia-searches-for-boeing-747-owners/news-story/04a466a6dfd4b0a11fc41c7c65ee61e6
  19. Yes she was a great girl and sadly missed :( They now have a street on the airport named after her. I had lunch with her a few days before the accident.
  20. This is not to do with Ross but I hope you don't mind me posting. I have lost quite a number of mates in aviation accidents, But the one that really stands out was back in 2002. This was the accident that hit me hard. http://www.smh.com.au/articles/2002/08/05/1028157910074.html Same age as me at the time and one of the nicest girls you could ever meet and an awesome girl to call a mate. We are all mourning Ross but it does get easier over time so hang in there guys.
  21. How is it irrelevant to the discussion? Previous posters were saying about lack of flare and nose heavy and I mentioned about balance issues when carrying jumpers. Not sure how thats irrelevant. You are basically saying you can see what happened by looking at the video and your saying he arrived at the ground quick and in no time to flare. How do you know he wasn't trying to flare but everyone was pushed around from the sharp turn and therefore out of balance. About 52 seconds in I can see a partial flare.
  22. Robbo

    F-16 Drone

    Better idea is for them to give a couple to me
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