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Everything posted by Robbo

  1. Agree Like Helpful Informative
  2. So much for the media saying he was on his first solo nav flight and was due to sit his test!
  3. A MAN and woman have miraculously escaped serious injury after the microlight aircraft they were flying plummeted into bushland. No Cookies | The Cairns Post
  4. How much caffeine you drinking? Will send a truck down with a load of beans. Good work Ian, I along with everyone else really appreciate your effort and dedication.
  5. Why this new piece of ‘MH370 debris’ is a total game changer Fire on board??
  6. Mick Dye in Gippsland was the best in the business, his company was called Australian Performance Propellers. I am not sure if he is still operating as he moved intestate.
  7. Oh so thats what that green thing ment. Well I will be buggered.
  8. Good flying, just notice your using a lot of aileron to keep it straight and level and curious on how much rudder are your using?
  9. I think im weird either way, watch all the agree likes come through lol Girls have already told me its awesome and they hate flying
  10. Going this week
  11. I prefer to spend $$$$ if its going to make me safer.
  12. Welcome
  13. SkyVision Xtreme | ADS-B IN and OUT https://www.seattleavionics.com/PADSB.aspx
  14. Plus the weather changes so often and they probably had the work organised weeks in advance.
  15. Ummm big noting themselves because we have purchased a device to make our flight safer? Not sure how we can big not ourselves, we didn't make the device.
  16. Sounds like you jut don't know how to use the iPad or avplan/ozrunways, had one ever since they were released and have flown in severe winds and straight through thunderstorms where the aircraft was rocking 45degree side to side with no problems using ipad.
  17. Open Flight Solutions TRAFFIC
  18. To prevent starting a new topic, has anyone used the new 9.7" ipad pro on ozrunways? Worth upgrading from the air 2?
  19. From memory something like this happend at Latrobe where the young student landed on top of an ultralight.
  20. This is what happened to a good friend of mine at Moorabbin. Miss ya Holly
  21. I was an extra in home and away in 2007 and I am still friends with a number of the cast members, well former cast members now in the likes of Christie Hayes, Tessa James and a few others.
  22. I am over flying thanks to CASA AVMED. After 20 years of work in all sectors of the aviation industry now the time has come to become a checkout "guy". Well, maybe not but if avmed keeping screwing me over it will be a reality. Maybe....... Not.
  23. Ian, Website is screwed on a mobile cant even access the menu nor see it.
  24. https://www.airservicesaustralia.com/aip/current/aip/enroute.pdf
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