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Jabiru Phil

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Everything posted by Jabiru Phil

  1. Managed to get ONE pic with help, Phil
  2. Still playing around to reduce size to post pics. Just remembered that there was a MAD cow on the runnway at Adels. Tail up in the air and wanted to charge. I revved up a bit, but only made her madder, I slunk off into the scrub quietly. Phil
  3. Thanks for that Red. Will play around and see how I go Phil
  4. Great itinerary. Not much advice I had no problems with any of the strips you will encounter, bar perhaps Cameron's Corner. Was after a rain and the previous owner had let it go somewhat. Another visit there I landed at nearby Bollards Lagoon and the pub took us for a hamburger. Adels Grove is unbelievable. I reckon two days visit to the National park is the minimum, do one day east and the other West. Plenty to do and see. Take water and good hiking boots and camera. Adels have a bus run to the park. I will try and attach some pics. PHIL Sorry, says too large to attach. Sunset at Karumba is worth a pic.
  5. Dazza must be offline Phil
  6. Bex, Reminds me of an incident I had in Kunming on one of our golf trips. Three mates and self ventured away from our hotel for a look around and shopping. We got separated, but no worries I thought as I noticed a large crane on top of a building nearby the hotel. No sun to go by, I started to look for the crane, sure enough I found about seven of the buggers! Hopelessly lost. I might mention that on the three trips there I never met another western person. The hotel gave out a card that stated in Chinese something like please take me to the hotel. I noticed a police caravan parked in the street. I handed the card to the officer and he replied in perfect English "Yes sir turn left at the next corner, go two blocks, turn left and the hotel is on the next corner on the right hand side" I got there just as my mates arrived, I was too embarrassed to tell what happened, just said I used the GPS on my phone. Great country. Going again this year. PHIL
  7. Thanks Bob. I turned off the power, rebooted and now all ok. Cheers
  8. Only getting this size on rec fly site. How to get to full screen?I have been trying since yesterday. PHIL
  9. Memory sticks don't taste too good.
  10. Banjo Pattersons line comes to mind. Clancy's gone to Qld droving and we don't know where he are. Where was the proof reader then?
  11. Motel picked us up from airport, as most do.
  12. I will wait until Maj. Comments. Seriously though, when reading the first episodes on this forum, I enjoyed the roughness, adventure and humour. Stuff the spelling. We are not all high school dux's. PHIL
  13. Now, thats one honest guy in the system that I could trust. Would get my vote! PHIL.
  14. Someone said on this site somewhere, that they landed at Curtain Springs enroute. Another possibility, but remote. Phil
  15. I stayed at Cooberpedy on the way to the Rock. Plenty of accomodation at reasonable prices, Give yourself a bit of time to have a look around, worth it IMHO. Just in case you are not aware, Ayes Rock requires payment etc. prior. Enjoy your trip PHIL.
  16. Same experience when coming back from Coral Bay Waiting for the weather to improve to Port Lincoln Coffee machine. Etc. Would call again. My trip didn't go your planned way. Kal. To Forest then Ceduna, Lincoln. PHIL.
  17. Flew from Sunshine Coast to Loxton today. Pic was around Gatton way. Head winds, 6 hours 50 up and 8. 45 hours home. Interesting trip. Fuel $1.98 at Narromine, $2.10 at Caloundra. Massive dust storm at Mildura, a Dash 8 asked who was 20 miles east of Mildura? Transponder sure was a help.
  18. Regularly fly near ours at Loxton. No interference at all.
  19. Tim, If possible bring a copy for me to Loxton when you come to the fly in. Hope all going well with the expected Bub. Phil.
  20. Probably his last. http://www.chonday.com/Videos/chopersteelrope2
  21. Tim, Hope you can still make the Loxton flyin on the 18th We are all waiting for the smoke trail on your arrival. Incase you didn't get my pm there will be hanger space for you if required. PHIL
  22. Guy I know. Bought 10 ply tyres from a tyre retailer I think Bendigo way. He put a spacer ( thin plastic about 10 mm ) to keep the tyre from touching the spat. Search Jab 10 ply tyres on this site, you maybe able to find the source. They were at the time very price competitive He has not had a flat tyre since and that's been a few years now Didn't do the nose wheel as I recall due to spat. Anyone going bush on the original 6 ply will need to be aware That a flat is a distinct possibility. This would have been well before the Jab supply option I reckon. PHIL
  23. Bob Hudson song. Don't you ever let a chance go by o Lord etc.
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