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Jabiru Phil

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Everything posted by Jabiru Phil

  1. That's interesting Mike. Just how does one go about getting endorsed in the Avocet by an instructor, if the instuctor is not endorsed? Unless you are an instuctor? Put me down for#2 when you work it out Phil
  2. Not all its cracked up to be Phil
  3. Jabiru Phil

    Iridium plugs

    Still a goer for mine, Thanks Phil
  4. Still interested! Refer previous posts We got the original plugs from your a few years ago Savings on freight is the point here and we should all benefit Still interested in 12 when you get the price sorted out PM me if you require more details. PHIL
  5. Frank, Posted during yours. Phil
  6. Frank, In laymen terms. The velocity and pressure loss is determined by the size and LENGTH of the FITTING and of course the diameter of the hose. Say for instance, you had a 50mm hose going to the collector bottle/can, you would have very little velocity and flow. Probably as Avocet says the oil would flow back to the engine and the vapour would continue on. I have often thought the same for the oil delivery fittings, inside diameters are very small and they must be some restrictions here. PHIL.
  7. Been on iridium plugs for around 350 hours now. I changed with the advice of Don from Jabiru when visiting the factory about 5 years ago. His comments from memory were that he had them in his plane and commented that the temps were cooler and better starting along with longer life and more revs, he was quite convinced as to the benefits. I changed my second set recently only because the lame doing the 100 hourly went by the book and put in new Jab plugs I use avgas gas exclusively so no problems at all ( old Koreelah) Mate with a J 160 gets around 200 hours plus and only changes for pease of mind. Have indicated my interest in further purchase from Jetjr to Bring the cost down re freight for all who order in bulk. Highly recommend PHIL.
  8. Jabiru Phil

    Iridium plugs

    Cheaper at Autopro
  9. Jabiru Phil

    Iridium plugs

    The saving is the freight. Put me down for 12 thanks if you get it down in price. Just lets know the final cost to Loxton before I confirm. PHIL.
  10. I am not expecting a favourable outcome for this mess in the near future. CASA, by back peddling again too soon would have some explaining to do. By delaying the reinvestigation they, in my opinion will wait until most of the hype lessens. I just hope that some real sense is the outcome. Phil
  11. Jabiru Phil


    Noticed a Bently rego number a few weeks ago. "GENTLY" Phil.
  12. An Avocet would be the go, just needs a special weight category to take the 4 wheeler.
  13. Saw a sign at a building site once. "Clean Phil wanted"
  14. Bit of a long story, I will condense it a bit. I lived near Parafield in primary school. My mate and I would ride our push bikes to the airfield a couple of times a week and talk to the lames and look at the various planes. We asked if we could go for a flight,the response was ok if we got our parents written permission. Don, my mate got his but mine refused. He bought a helmet and goggles and me a push bike. Don went on to fly commercial and I went bush. Years later I worked at a large sheep station, the boss inspected the waters daily with me in his 172, I remember saying to myself one day I will do this. Forward 40 years. I built with some mates a kit J 230 and then progressed to purchasing my own factory built 7 years ago. 600 odd hours later and having flown to most of the outback of OZ I only wish that it had happened sooner. Phil
  15. I still have an axe that is like new after 40 years of use. Only had two new heads and 6 handles
  16. Great news Tim. All the best Phil.
  17. Thanks for the reply, Good luck for 2015 Phil.
  18. Hi Bex, Like most of us here, we are waiting on news of progress of your Engine. A few "asks" lately, with no worthwhile reply. I can appreciate your secrecy for business reasons. However you mentioned numerous times to watch this space......??? Phil.
  19. 01 I can appreciate your position. I wonder how many others out there that are VH, that would be in the same boat? As for being at Loxton. I travel extensively and getting to the Sunshine Coast is not in anyway an impossibility by obeying the new regs. Phil
  20. My take so far. Casa has watered down the proposed regs to save face. Nothing more to be achieved as damage to Jab name has been done. Get a form signed by the passenger. Don't fly where you can't glide to safety Signage on panel. That's it! Jab will just wait out the storm, have a holiday or two, then back to business with tried and tested improvements. IMHO Phil.
  21. Unbalanced
  22. Bex, Jab had until about 5 years ago added what they called "Gull wings" between cylinders. A piece of aluminium sheet that connected to each head with adhesive. They recommended to remove same, probably after the newer heads. Phil.
  23. Mate (beverage) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mate_(beverage) Mate also known as yerba mate, chimarrão or cimarrón is a traditional South American caffeine-rich infused drink, particularly in Argentina (where it is defined by ... ‎Yerba mate - ‎Club-Mate - ‎Black drink - ‎Bombilla
  24. Alf, you must be a Holden fan then! I revert to trivia only because I am bored with some of the comments as I must be a Ford owner according to some. Alf, I think you have forgotten about modern youth, which is vastly different from the yesterday. They are hard to start. Have no power. Expensive to keep. Forget their lessons. Drive, means computer hardware. Trade-ins are worth nix. Etc etc. Just love you infant analogy though. Keep that Holden going. Cheers Phil.
  25. Good one Alf. Just a further thought, do teenagers get into more trouble than infants? Phil
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