Bit of a long story, I will condense it a bit.
I lived near Parafield in primary school. My mate and I would ride our push bikes to the airfield a couple of times a week and talk to the lames and look at the various planes.
We asked if we could go for a flight,the response was ok if we got our parents written permission.
Don, my mate got his but mine refused. He bought a helmet and goggles and me a push bike.
Don went on to fly commercial and I went bush.
Years later I worked at a large sheep station, the boss inspected the waters daily with me in his 172, I remember saying to myself one day I will do this.
Forward 40 years. I built with some mates a kit J 230 and then progressed to purchasing my own factory built 7 years ago.
600 odd hours later and having flown to most of the outback of OZ I only wish that it had happened sooner.