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Jabiru Phil

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Everything posted by Jabiru Phil

  1. On those figures I still have 2700 lives left. Sounds good odds to me. These posts comparing engines is just a normal Holden vs Ford discussion, with more "Holden?" Owners commenting. Phil.
  2. On late downwind, speed, flaps, check list. Then full concentration can be given to radio calls, speed and altitude. Full attention is the only way to stop a stall using this criteria. IMHO. Phil
  3. Dont know whether this would help. I have old carpet on my rubble hanger floor. I noticed last year that when removing the cowl for inspection that there was considerable moisture on the engine.. guess that it would also be interanly contaminated. I have been thinking of laying plastic sheeting down under the carpet, this should stop the moisture from rising. Any body done this? Phil.
  4. Owner pilot of a Jab I know of has an adjustable cooling system. He just winds out or closes the aperture to balance the temp. Bit like the old Fordson kerosine tractor system that I used in the early 50's. As did most Kero tractors of that era. According to him, it works a treat. Phil
  5. Yes Deb, Makes interesting reading. A template for those who have not yet emailed their submission. Phil.
  6. Statistics spelt out. https://www.dropbox.com/sh/x3lmwpqcvngbhmc/AABw3oWZLXjlljBdBQ6iDiIPa?dl=0
  7. There was another sent to members on the 21st "Jabiru update" Phil
  8. Was thinking the same thing ff. Perhaps Jab bashers in the closet? Hope the door opens and we can then try and explain the potential damage they have done to our organisation, or maybe they will stay hidden. We can always supply a pillow and blanket and some gruel until they come clean. No doubt it will surface eventually. I have my suspicions but enjoy some posts on this forum so will keep this to myself as mod is watching. Phil
  9. Just glimpsed a sign nearing a town in NZ some time age You do try and get the pronunciation correct. Guy at petrol station doubled up when I asked if Riflerange was worth a look. Phil.
  10. Received a reply today from CASA in relation to my invited submission on the proposed draft document. In part below. Sounds like they are on the front foot. IMHO CASA has been looking at data and reports about Jabiru piston-engine failures for some time. In the course of that review, problems related to Jabiru engines that have stood out range from full and partial power loss and in-flight engine shutdowns, to rough running and oil leaks. CASA has identified more than 40 Jabiru engine problems and events that have occurred in 2014 alone. Mechanical problems that have been identified by Jabiru include through bolt, valve and cylinder, and fly-wheel bolt failures. The contribution of particular kinds of operations (for example, student training) and maintenance-related factors to some of these failures has yet to be determined. Jabiru, as the manufacturer of these engines, has certain obligations under the relevant International Standards, and civil aviation safety legislation in terms of the identification and rectification of such engine problems irrespective of when they occurred or what may have caused them, and CASA is working with Jabiru to arrive at a solution. Phil.
  11. I asked my mate why he called his wife "Harvey Norman"? He said...No interest for 36 months.
  12. Spuds and apples are excellent for getting rid of the oily film associated with exhaust fumes on motor vehicle windscreens. Doubt their anti fogging qualities though. Phil.
  13. I was refering to Alf's statement that Jabiru blames ALL owners. Quote. Phil
  14. IF the company decides to help the owners instead of blaming them ALL. Alf, Jabiru in my experience and others at the three clubs I am a member of would refute that comment. I personally have had ownership of two J 230's in the last 10 years. Minor problems sure, but the advice and service given has NEVER been anything but constructive. Like, what speed to I climb? What oil do I use? What fuel do I use? Do I use additives? Time between oil changes? Etc. Which is a normal request over the phone. So to sum up at short notice. They have been very responsive and NO blame put back to me. Hearsay on this site has gotten out of hand as Dafydd has indicated. Back up your comments would be great. Phil
  15. The screen is for the erotic movie.
  16. Scimitar for the last 10 months or so. About a 100 rpm up on the original, very silent and a slight increase of speed. Phil.
  17. Could be a problem here. I get 3000- 3050 at takeoff with full fuel. Phil
  18. So Tim, you wanna make smoke! http://vimeo.com/100670266 Phil
  19. Don't know about South Africa. I read the article recently and asked an Independent Guru about his take on this. He said that this theory has been going on for 15 years. The presumption did not take into account that there was a propeller up front. Basically the pistons have an arrow pointing to the front and Jabs have them pointing rearward as they turn anti clockwise. Phil
  20. Also Answer the question from this statement please. On another thought that just hit me, if we didn't have the Jab discussions these past weeks, this site hits would be down over 500% ( not having a a go at the site owner) It's a pity that we have lost GENUINE debate of late because of some forum members posting, just for a stir! Phil
  21. Many people will have already forgotten what CASA did with Ansett ANA a few years ago. McCormick's parting gesture perhaps?
  22. One solution to this all this would be to get the ATSB to do a thorough investigation. Probably will need Warren Truss's intervention. Would take a while though. Phil
  23. Well it is only a draft at this stage.
  24. Maj should be a happy chappie now!
  25. I seem to recall ticking a box in a Raaus document asking if I wanted my details kept private. I had a landing fee invoice forwarded on to me from Raa from a council in WA. So my details were kept private. They just sent on the invoice. Happy with that arrangement. Phil
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