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Jabiru Phil

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Everything posted by Jabiru Phil

  1. Welcome Tony, Great to see the youthful visitors. Says something about the future. Phil
  2. I bought an Aero 500 gps some time ago as a back up for my 296 I rarely use it, but if memory is correct it gives AGL by touching the screen. Phil
  3. How many beds are there in Bathurst?
  4. Maj, Careful with your chainsaw. A mate nearly lost his nuts a while back. It was a different brand, so that must have been the problem!
  5. Well Maj, you haven't been backward in coming forward with info in the past when you have an axe to grind. IMHO
  6. Love Pooncarie, good strip too. There used to be a publican there many years ago that was anti strangers, had a wooden leg if I remember correctly. Phil.
  7. Been around machines for 60 plus years. I reckon I have a good grasp of the sound of a motor by now. I have a great regard for professional services by lame 2's. 100 hourly or 12 months. They picked up an exhaust valve that needed lapping in, a ring that was not sealing right. So for about $450 a year or $5.00 an hour, I am pretty confident that when i fly I have the odds on my side. The outlay may deter some from my theory of safe flying, hope not. Rider, get an expert on the engine you have. Phil
  10. Perhaps a poll from members, say in the last ten years or so, how they were introduced to flying. I remember reading a flying mag at Johannesburg airport while waiting for a delayed flight a few years ago. It got me interested enough to get involved when I got home. Phil
  11. Re the magazine going online. I reckon that there are some brains out there that can do a costing and income spreadsheet. For instance.. Costs for a magazine editor. Income from advertising. Software/hardware to collate costs. It shouldn't be too hard to count the advertisers and guesstimate the income. If the 40k a month cost figure for the mag is a fact, I can see some real savings here.
  12. On a similar note to your question is whether maintenance can be done on a 24 aicraft by the owner (L1) if used for private purposes. The answer is yes, but must be inspected and signed off by a L2 if put online. I am a tad confused here. My log book statement says.....Aircraft time in service between inspection by an authorised person 100 hours or 12 months Whichever is the earliest I have assumed in the past that an authorised person is a lame 2 or better, not me. I have always done the normal 25 hour service as per the jab maintenance schedule and the 100 hourly or 12 monthly by a Lame 2 I have felt very comfortable with this procedure. Have I got the interpretation wrong? (Private use only) Phil
  13. My log shows that I got the choke jet drilled out to 1.2 mm in June 2010, I have never used the choke since that time and never had any starting problems whatsoever since then. LAME did the job so can't comment on the location except that the jet is in the bowl. Also at the same time the needle jet was increased to #290 due to indication of lean mixture. Starts an the coldest of days. No more boiling the jug. Phil
  14. Explained better here. Stosh Zelkovitski worked in a Polish pickle factory. For many years he had a powerful desire to put his penis in the pickle slicer. Unable to stand it any longer, he sought professional help from the factory psychologist. After six months, the therapist gave up. He advised Stosh to go ahead and do it or he would probably never have any peace of mind. The next day he came home from work very early. His wife, Sacha, became alarmed and wanted to know what had happened. Stosh tearfully confessed his tormenting desire to put his penis in the pickle slicer. He went on to explain that today he finally went ahead and did it, and he was immediately fired. Sacha gasped and ran over to her husband. She quickly yanked down his pants and shorts only to find a normal, completely intact penis. She looked up and said, "I don't understand. What about the pickle slicer?" Stosh replied, "I think she got fired, too."
  15. Was told yesterday by somebody who is involved with the owners of the c206 that he was lost and suffered fuel exhaustion. The pilot was a Malaysian airline pilot for what it's worth. Lucky fellow and good outcome in that tiger country.
  16. The yokes on you!
  17. I read all the Jabiru posts on this forum. I am truly amazed at the problems that the factory apparently wipe their hands of problems from some owners. I have had two Jabs, one home built and the latest 230d now 7 years old this month. In all that time I have had excellent service, notably parts and labour supplied out of warranty. I get asked what fuel, oil and services are used and done. Never a problem. I guess that because my approach has been cordial and kept to the facts that there have never been any problems. Chap near me has recently traded in his engine for a new one after just shy of 2000 hours. It was still performing well but he decided to change over due to some minor oil leaks. Mine has done 460 hours and just finished the 12 monthly service, all ok, leak down etc. Not knowing all the facts and the factory's response it's not possible to make a suggestion, but hope that it gets sorted out soon. Phil
  18. E eggstacy
  19. Bitumen sure grabs the nose wheel if you are too fast with not enough stick back. Full back trim for landings seem to help.
  20. Two excited pilots and passengers dropped in here to refuel on their way to Maitland ex Hindmarsh Island on Wednesday. They mentioned some coming from WA. What an adventure! Phil.
  21. Yes Mike, Agree. Mine was left main wheel spat. Not put back in alignment after a puncture fix. Now have both spats marked with paint for correct realignment after brake adjustment etc. Fixed the rolling to the left. Phil
  22. Go for it Mike! Keep us informed of the progress. The Jab bashers seem to have run out of steam at the moment, all is good. Happy chappie. Phil.
  23. LINE-X spray makes anything unbreakable. http://wimp.com/sprayunbreakable/ My next paint job.
  24. Got me thinking that an airbag installed in the seat would probably save spinal damage. It would need to be designed thin enough on inflation so as to not propel your head through the canopy. Just a thought. Phil.
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