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Jabiru Phil

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Everything posted by Jabiru Phil

  1. N Will do.
  2. Got a 20 lt drum left over from last fly in somewhere . Mineral oil. Reckon I paid $50 Phil .
  3. Taken me six years just to get her to put here hand on the stick, er control column. You know what I mean!
  4. Gave up the idea after the first flight over water to Dunwich breakfast. I briefed her on lookout for other planes. She told me of a plane ahead, turned out to be a speedboat wake. She pointed out the aircraft parked below me. Golf carts lined up at the golf course! Yes, she is blonde. Phil
  5. Reverse thrust, stick forward?
  6. Ian, Back from a seven day straight golfing trip to Kunming in Yunnan Provence yesterday. We were welcomed everywhere we went. People very polite and helpful. Probably the cleanest city that I have seen in in my travels. One word of advice, have a steak sandwich with chips ready when she returns. Phil.
  7. Thanks RA, you are probably good at cryptic X words. Bloody hopeless this end.
  8. Looks like his belt:banned:
  9. Yes, it was the tower controller. I don't know how he did it. Phil.
  10. Had a radio lock onto a non recognised channel enroute to Alice. One of the accompioning planes contacted the controller,he said that he could tune into ANY frequency, which he did and diverted me to slot into the circuit. Getting out is another story. Phil
  11. Well, it has been cold your way this winter. What dye do you use? Looking forward to hearing of your return to the skies and a good report on the Avocet Regards to Joelle and Nick. Phil.
  12. That's as I understood it also Re camels post He could have rubbed them the wrong way somewhere. I am on my second Jab and have had NO problems with their customer service in the past 10 years. Phil
  13. Bex wrote Doubt a bloke who has the guts to design and build his own unusual plane from scratch gives a toss what others say in a forum. Like your reasoning Bex. But you don't fly a Jab.
  14. Oscar. Sure gets my hackles up at times reading the same names complaining/rubbishing etc. There are only a few that have a dead set against Jabiru and I just keep my mouth shut. Remember back when forum members complained about using plastic instead of Aluminium? Winglets that will not work? Undercarriage too weak? I have noticed that at least one forumite has toned down his criticism of late but still manages to have a dig where possible. I wouldn't be surprised if he wasn't told or ordered to cease. I have no problems with constructive debate, just the obvious hatred that they have. Wouldn't like my daughter to be married to one of these twits. There's poor old Mike, trying to get back into the air again after his forced landing and hospitalisation, which was nothing to do with the brand. Reading this crap it's a wonder if he will ever fly again. Rant over. Phil.
  15. Other than the pitch being factory set, it all goes together like a jigsaw, a perfectly tight fit. There is no tracking adjustments at all so factory must have worked this out with the hub alignment I venture to say that it would not be wise to add any washers for adjustment as all the parts supplied, bolts washers etc are specific for the installation. IMHO. Perhaps a layer or so of paint instead of the washers would suffice. In any case I will not go any further with balancing as this prop is 10 times better than the wooden original and I am not aiming for 12. The type does not allow me to fiddle, which in your case does not apply. Phil.
  16. OK, thanks for the explanation. Guess its the same system used on vehicles where the brake drum and other items are balanced too, not just the tyre and rim. Phil.
  17. Why do you say that JR? Surely they are balanced before delivery. Mine has no noticeable vibration. Agree with Mike`s comments, very smooth and quiet, Phil.
  18. Kit built 230 had the two wing tank valves. Earlier models had no header tank either.
  19. Had the same problem some time ago Lame suggested a trim tab After some thought I altered the spat angle slightly which fixed the problem Spats are now marked so that reassembling after a puncture etc returns them to standard Worth looking into Phil
  20. You have to be on the ball in some areas. Like around Gatton Qld flying into Caloundra over the Somerset dam wall. I have to monitor 127.65 Toowoomba, watts Bridge. 127.3, Kilroy 127.6 and Caloundra/Cabooltcha 118.8 Easy to miss inbound calls, obviously transmit my position, heading, height etc to the near strips. There are probably plenty of other areas where planing your calls are most important. Phil.
  21. Yes, well I think that we all started with around .75 of an hour The road to the license is rewarding. Good luck in your venture and welcome to the forum. Lots of info in the files, just need to search your topic. Phil.
  22. Betcha 5 bucks
  23. Only been caught once. I used the plastic sick bag, the one that you can tie off at the top ring groove. Guess that it would be suitable for the girls on still air. Phil.
  24. My perception of Jab engine reliability was perhaps warped by my CFI's (also L2) four jab engines that didn't make TBO. My L2 has a Jab.
  25. This may help. I practice engine failures at various heights and find that an imaginary mark just below the pitot tube inlet (on my plane) is a good indication of where I can glide to. Every point below this spot is within gliding distance. For low wing aircraft, this spot could be the wing tip or thereabouts. Try sometime to find your spot. Phil.
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