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Jabiru Phil

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Everything posted by Jabiru Phil

  1. Had the same problem on a cabin cruiser some time ago. Frustrated me until I removed the engine cover and noticed the clear fuel line to the carby collapsed when under full load. Still a mystery to me as it was after the pump and supposedly under pressure. I coiled some wire around the hose so it didn't collapse until I replaced the line. Frank, can you test with the cowl off? Phil.
  2. How would a chamber from the carby channelled to feed EACH pot go? With say an adjustment mechanism to fine tune each cylinders requirements? Just thinking like.
  3. Keep em coming Phil Tick tick
  4. Viewed a good golf skit on utube, would post if I knew how. Any way it's a golfer playing in the final of the club championship. ( to do with ethics ) The match is all square. I hit off first on the 18th and drives to the middle of the fairway, my opponent hits his into the woods to the right. We look for his ball for 10 minutes without success. The opponent says to hit mine and if he doesn't find his, he will go back to the tee and play another ball. I hit a perfect second shot to within 10 ft of the pin. Just as it hit the green the opponent calls out "found it" and a ball come screaming out of the woods and lands 2 inches from the pin, a certain eagle. The ethical question is..... Do I give the cheating b.....d back his ball, or keep quiet.
  5. Why not keep the carb as a backup? Phil.
  6. I have done most of OZ, maily as a tag-along pilot. They organised the various legs, accomodation,fuel,airport pick ups and tours etc. A lot of phone calls re the above will be required. I guess that your endurance will dictate your route. I can give you details of waypoints i used for the Cape York trip and another from Burketown to Broome if you want to pm me. I would reccomend doing a tagalong first if you are a low time pilot. I learnt heaps and have confidently flown long Xcountry since. You will need an ASIC and a fuel bladder if your capacity is limited. a good flight planner like OZ runways or similar will make it easier, as would auto pilot. There was a guy that did this trip last year in a Jab, maybe worth chasing up his itineray, he may have written a report on this site. Phil.
  7. O'Reily statement to the coroner is well worth the read and should answer the question of location. http://www.archives.qld.gov.au/Researchers/History/Interest/Pages/StinsonInquest.aspx Phil
  8. Did you bypass the pix, or did it get moderated? Phil.
  9. Scotty, You missed your calling. You could surely get a job as a script writer. Lol Phil
  10. I am still a possibility depending on date Never been that way before, so looking forward to more info as it enfolds Phil
  11. Yes, the 250 k goes to the lawyers only. I guess that the estate of the passenger would be looking for a dollar or two besides this. Perhaps prudent to increase cover for liability Phil
  12. Well done Tomo, great news. I hope the new bride can knit!!!! Congratulations Phil
  13. 650 kms is a bit far for the golf buggy. Perhaps another time. Interesting to read about the irrigation system you have, sounds an interesting area. We should have had that project established in our Murray Darling basin years ago. Another story!!! Keep well Cheers. Phil
  14. Hey Bex. Going your way on my third gold trip early September. Any chance you are nearby Kunming? Phil
  15. Thanks HH for your summary, opinions and research. Well researched for us laymen. I for one, will keep in mind your opinions. Regards
  16. Hopefully it's on the governments list of cutting red tape Then again, it would take some balls to rescind it while we have this media terrorist concern.
  17. What's the bet that it will be delayed further?
  18. How times change. We used Dad, Dave and Mabel jokes.
  19. Reminds me of.... Two hunters got a pilot to fly them into the far north for deer hunting. They were quite successful in their venture and bagged six big bucks. The pilot came back, as arranged, to pick them up. They started loading their gear into the plane, including the six deer. But the pilot objected and he said, "The plane can only take four of your deer, you will have to leave two behind." They argued with him; the year before they had shot six and the pilot had allowed them to put all aboard. The plane was the same model and capacity. Reluctantly, the pilot finally permitted them to put all six aboard. But when the attempted to take off and leave the valley, the little plane could not make it and they crashed into the wilderness. Climbing out of the wreckage, one hunter said to the other, "Do you know where we are?" "I think so," replied the other hunter. I think this is about the same place where we crashed last year!"
  20. Thanks for the explanation John. Following this forum like I do, I too had Some doubts mainly due to three or so Jab knockers over time. I Fly regularly X country so was a fair bit concerned until I realised it was the same bods canning the Jab Over it now. Aside from that,I have always had the 100 hourly done by a level 2 LAME and apart from a valve lap in and general observation, leak down tests etc, I am a happy chappie I hope that you will get more confidence in your craft as I have Cheers Phil
  21. Don I agree with most of your comments, however....... I have renewed my ASIC yearly through RAAus and by renewing either on or before time, I have lost about thee months of my Subscription. I.e due in march, send in renewal in Feb and the new ASIS starts from then Recently I got letter stating that my ASIC was being processed and keep (show) as proof of application hopefully the security guard is a nice fellow. Needs to be tidied up IMHO
  22. What for John? Just interested as mine has similar hours, but going strong. Phil
  23. Clear prop is in my opinion a good nom de plume, but newbies probably are not aware of the link to sales of your products. My suggestion would be to have a banner or such to highlight the sales link. Perhaps you could bring up the hits on clear prop to make a decision. Members vs hits. Just a thought Phil
  24. From one Phil to another, this is the best joke for 2014!!! Thanks for sharing Phil.
  25. Simple explanation to me, it just lets the chairman to be the spokesperson for the board. Happens all the time! Phil.
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