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Jabiru Phil

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Everything posted by Jabiru Phil

  1. Well at least RAA added a JP to the list. When I first got mine there was a signature required (amongst others) by a CFI who had an ASIC. Trouble was mine didn't. Adding a JP is a definite improvement. Like others, I don't like it, but play by the rules. Phil
  2. Thanks I regularly fly to Caloundra. It may coincide with one of my trips up there. Thanks for the info Phil.
  3. All flying are good. Time of year that suits Weather Distance Etc.
  4. Welcome Yes agree that you should get a lot of info from this great site. Like any other, there are a few comments that are made by the ill informed but mostly corrected by the well informed in later posts. Logging in, Definitely on my daily to do list. Hope you enjoy and post some of your experiences. Cheers Phil.
  5. Tim, We are pretty active at YLOX. Currently have the bird scarers based here until the end of this month, worth the visit Mostly BBQ Sundays other times. Officially 3rd Sunday you get salad! Looking forward to catching up again Cheers Phil
  6. Thanks for clearing that up JR Phil
  7. Tim I feel for you with your predicament, perhaps a LETTER to the GM and local rep pointing out your experiences would be better than a phone call. It maybe tabled at a board meeting, at least they will know where they have made errors in the past and perhaps address your situation. Just a thought, probably what I would try. Telling this forum will get you plenty of sympathy but no action. Give. It a go Phil
  8. Must be missing something here. We four built our original 230 and trained in same. Perhaps the rules have changed? Don't think so. Phil
  9. What temperatures are we talking about? You mentioned iridium plugs. We swear by them for cold starting at our club, but doesn't seem to be related to this problem. Being a lay person with only practical experience, I would look at an intake leak. Just my thoughts. Hope you post the result Cheers Phil.
  10. I have to say I am puzzled by the outright venom that some people express in relation to the Jabiru.. John, Thankfully there only a couple of professional Jab knockers here. As you, we have a clutch at our club. Most owners who are interested in upgrading are saying that they can't find anything better than a Jab when they upgrade. I hope that you take most of the criticism as personal grievances as I do and not multiply it by the number of posts by this few. IMHO Phil.
  11. I notice he has become very quiet on here lately. I would sincerely hope that isn't because of baseless carping from people running agendas; I would like to reassure him that there are plenty of us who want to read his opinions on any subject. Except bagging
  12. Actually .1000 hours top end 2000 top and bottom
  13. The poll Doesn't indicate NO breakdowns. Any problems found at leak down test ie valve lapping required, in my opinion is not a breakdown, just regular maintenance. GA engines do this regularly at service I am told. Phil.
  14. I enjoy reading Maj posts and support his commitment to the cause. BUT, why keep on about the Jab engine. He has made his feelings known, fair enough, but he just keeps it going At every opportunity. If he is serious in his beliefs, then perhaps his position as a board member maybe the place to complain and start some investigational action through the available channels, keeping in mind that there are plenty of happy Jab owners and pilots out there. Maj, start a poll for happy and unhappy Jab owners. Perhaps the answer lays there? At least you would get some figures to work on. IMHO Phil.
  15. G G'day Russ, I have had the same thoughts even after fitting the door sills. Further tests with a hose revealed that the water was getting in through the door catch area. I cut some door seal to size and inserted behind the catch, fixed! You will notice that the water runs down the door seal and enters at the catch. Hope this helps Phil.
  16. We have a 600 m grass strip at our home, we have never had a jabiru land on it, its way too short apparently This comment about being too short at 600 mts is IMHO a lack of knowledge of the Jab performance. My 230, as with mates 170 and 160 regularly land in most conditions in far less runway distance. Please don't make comments that you know nothing about. When up your way again I will drop in to demonstrate if invited. By the way have you been talking to Maj. Re Jabs lately? Just a thought! Phil.
  17. Thanks FH My last comment on my original post was just an observation of the cold starting fix. The L2 entered "choke jet drilled out" in the maintenance log, but perhaps it was the "idle jet"? Then again as I changed to Iridium plugs at the same service, this could have has some bearing. Sorry a bit off topic Phil.
  18. Till you use the choke the enlarged choke jet will not affect it. Funny thing. Though, it fixed the cold starting Problem for good without using the choke ever. Explain please F H? Phil
  19. Fitted 290 needle jet on advice 220 hours ago. no hassles sincefuel burn went from 19 to now 21 lt. at 28500 also at the same time, drilled the choke jet out to 1.2 mm, no choke used since then. phil.
  20. Noticed recently that the app flight watch does not give any aircraft displays Rider at the bottom of the page says something like " only displaying descending altitudes etc" Has any one who uses this app are having the same problem? phil
  21. Had the same problem a while ago Spoke to Jab and they supplied door sills that mostly fixed the problemI I found that water entered via the door catch, running down the seal and getting in there. Hit the 160 with a water spout, you will then find the entry point I believe that the later models are pretty well waterproof Phil
  22. I gave an hours flight to a local charity to auction for their money drive. When strapping in the recipient ( not a blonde) remarked " these are just like REAL aeroplane seat belts" Phil
  23. The rumour of the weight increase is interesting for a lot of flyers that have to limit their fuel capacity to fly legal, hence safety decisions are sometimes abused. Surely if a weight increase was on the cards, the aircraft manufacturers, kit or factory built would need to do their sums and redesign to comply. I refer to Jab 230, that is 600 kg for LSA and 700 kg for GA. don't see a problem there. Reading some of the posts above, there seems to be a two fold opinion. Some of us want a cruising aircraft opposed to a flip around the airfield on Sundays. Either one is up to the individual. Just flying for whatever reason is great! Phil
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