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Jabiru Phil

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Everything posted by Jabiru Phil

  1. i don't know the Canberra area very well but reading posts about the need for an airport to service RAA and light GA aircraft seems a good move. Raaus could be a shareholder with private money for development. Perhaps service facilities company's would inject? Hanger sites. Air park Etc.
  2. Yes. Refer to coroners report O Sullivan and spitfire.
  3. Mandatory reporting of incidents seems to be a grey area. I have had two engine stops after landing on a rough strip. Both due to flooding of carburettor when the float vibrates violently. Immediate start up with some rich running. Is this a reportable incident? PHIL.
  4. Could be that Bex is keeping us in the dark with his home built. This is what he is REALLY working on. The Incredible Flyboard Air
  5. I always say traffic and then location. The main reason I continue to use this format is that I have either been talking or listening to the passenger when a call comes in that says location first, which I will miss and listen intently for the location at the message end. PHIL
  6. An injection in the eye. Sounds gross but all over in few minutes. Possibly a sedative injection a bit before you are wheeled into the theatre by memory. Need to have a driver to get you home. Plus next day for post op checkup. Cheers.
  7. Biggles, Probably easier to send you Jake Janens phone number. He supplied it to a forum member with a radio problem so guess it is ok. 0412624723 Mention I gave it to you if you like. Nice guy with heaps of experience in avionics. He will remember the incident at YLOX a few months ago with Chis' problem Cheers.
  8. One of our guys had the same problem. He was ready to throw it in the rubbish bin. Jake Jansen happened to fly in to do work on a new installation. Fixed in less than two minutes. He commented Magic fingers. PM him, he maybe helpful. PHIL.
  9. Had both eyes done over a couple of years. First op was on right eye, probably due to scope shooting proffesionaly. My left eye was good to read the paper etc. However I failed the eye test for a light truck licence when you have to read the chart with each eye. Car licence is both eyes open.( south Australia) I got corrective glasses to past the test until the next op. on my left eye. Interesting that when I explained to Opthonamist, he said that he could put a lens in the left eye that gave we the opportunity to read without glasses. I didn't take him up on it as I reckon both eyes at long distance would be better for my flying. Yes, you are awake but only takes a few minutes on the table. By memory it was about a couple of weeks before I could drive. Definately wear the eye shield at night for the recommended time. I rubbed mine in my sleep, stabbing pain, fortunately no damage.
  10. Tried those but found when sitting in the shade looking out into sunlight they didn't work. Waste of $500 I found a very cheap pair of sunnies with about number 2 at the bottom from a chemist shop which I leave in the plane. Works a treat. PHIL.
  11. I had a close encounter once. Wedge tail appeared on my right approx 30 metres away. At 2500 We both got a shock. I remember the eagle turning his head towards me, folding his wings and dived away. Well, I was bigger than him. Good decision. PHIL.
  12. The automotive industry in China has been the largest in the world measured by automobile unit production since 2008.[1][2][3] Since 2009 annual production of automobiles in China exceeds that of the European Union or that of the United States and Japan combined. They must be doing something right. I believe that they have over 70 vehicle manufactures Guess that as long as you don't buy a cheap pair of pliers or similar, the big firms have a good reputation. PHIL
  13. Cam it website today. A response to recent rumours August 17, 2016 • CAMit Update A few rumours have been circulating recently, to different effects: that CAMit is about to close its doors, that we have already laid off employees, and more. We want to address these rumours and mention that they are not true. One of the questions asked just last night on the Jabiru & CAMit Aircraft Engines Yahoo! group* was this: A couple of weeks ago at Oshkosh, a high ranking official of Jabiru USA told me that Camit was about to close their doors, employees had already been laid... Read more →
  14. Need something that explains your intentions. If I was selling shirts I would say men's attire. Etc. Pilot supplies comes to mind. Cheers
  15. Reminds me of the Ozzie change over story of a farmer trying to sell his property. First they changed to the dollar, now twice as dear. Then changed to kilograms, half the production. Then changed to hectares, halved my area. Now they change to kilometres, I am too far out of town. PHIL.
  16. My opinion of air shows or fly-ins is judged by the organisers efforts. Commentary, food booths, welcome, brewed coffee? Transport and accomodation options. Not necessary in that order. Been to a few. PHIL
  17. It's just the hills that get in the way. Usually fine the other side. Check Brisbane weather.
  18. Jabiru Phil


    My outpost radio call sign is 7sxk That's a mouthful of gobbledygook
  19. Riley, If you get time, a good seafood cafe is " The Bridge" Byo at Mooloolaba. Best restaurant and view is " The boat shed" at Maroochydore. Just home from 7 weeks in the area, great spot. Cheers
  20. Yes, I forgot that they had changed ctaf frequency Still 118.8 for gate.
  21. Caloundra aircraft museum is worth a look Plus a good array of planes and helos at tie downs. Ctaf gate entry. Enjoy the stay. PHIL.
  22. Great Australian Bight.
  23. Perhaps in similar circumstances I would have given serious thought to activate my emergency beacon. Assuming I had no mobile coverage. PHIL.
  24. Visited Bond Springs a couple of times. The CFI there organised us with fuel Don't remember his name, but very helpful. PHIL.
  25. Translation didn't work!
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